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The heat was in full swing now, and it seemed Mother Nature had decided to make it summer in the middle of spring. Last week I was in sweatpants, now I barely want to wear shorts. Luckily with Mom always being home, she ordered a couple fans to sprinkle around the house and create a breeze.

"No, that's like air conditioning the outside," she responded, not turning away from her screen.

"Please," I begged, walking over and throwing myself over her shoulders.

"Fine, but you have to take the trash out on your way."

"Thanks, Mom."

I took the trash out with one hand, carrying a floor fan in the other, the cord dragging helplessly behind it.

"My man," Jeremy shouted excitedly from his porch, "I was waiting for you to show up!"

"Yeah, but look what I got!" I threw the trash into the open and waiting trash can, patiently parked until trash pickup came on Thursday. Flashing some quick jazz hands in the direction of the beautiful, sleek white fan, left carelessly on the porch.

"Ooh," he remarked, "fancy shmancy technology. Look what I have." Jeremy poised himself elegantly on his lawn chair, crossing his legs, before snapping up his wrist and flourishing a fan.

"Oh my!" I wiped my forehead, fanning myself with my hand as I dramatically collapsed on my chair, "enough to have a lady fainting."

"Anyways," he laughed, "I've been playing CoD all day, and I don't know if it's because everyone has cabin fever, but everyone's so much more aggressive now."

"Yeah, people are going crazy," I suddenly remembered a bible thumper from school suddenly getting really thirsty on his Instagram spam.

"So what have you done today?"

"Oh, I just woke up."

"'s five..."


"Point made," he relented, checking his phone.

"Oh, by the way," I walked back into the house, grabbing the case of Gatorade, "I, uh, got this for you. We went grocery shopping." I leaned way over and handed it to him, which went smoothly despite him being confused.


"Yeah, I remember, like, way back, you said you were out and your parents didn't like shopping, so I, yeah."

"No, yeah, they wouldn't buy any. You remember that? Wow." Jeremy breathed out, dropping the case and breaking it open to drink it. "That tastes so good," he moaned, closing his eyes and savoring it.

Immediately sent a jolt through my lower body.

"Uh, yeah." I sputtered out, quickly sitting down and crossing my ankle over my knee, hoping to hide.

"So, do you want to play some smash? I brought my switch out-"

"Yeah, totally, let's- let's just do something."

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