waving through a window

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The gras tickled my cheeks and stained my hoodie, but I didn't mind at all. My back was to the ground and my legs against Grace's fence, face to the sky, as it seemingly always was as of late.

"Do you think I should go for it?" She asked, and I could picture her, sitting with her back leant against the fence, anxiously looking at her phone.

"Sure, what do you have to lose?"

"My dignity."

"Can't lose something you never had," I sighed. Grace punched the fence, calling me a jerk.

"But does he seem like a good guy?" The sound of her nails clicking against her screen faded into the bristling leaves.

"He has to have something to him if he's interested in dating during a quarantine," I reasoned, "especially since he said he definitely doesn't want to meet until lockdown is lifted."

"I know," she whined, "but what if he ends up being really clingy?"

"Isn't that a charming quality in these times?" She laughed.

"I don't know you tell me?" Grace teased, standing up and peeking over the top of the fence. She always had a chair there now, for when she needed to hop the fence easily.

"For the last time, Jeremy and I are not a thing. He's totally straight."

"Do you know?"

"Well, I mean, no. But-"

"You don't know! How can you give up so easily when you don't know?"

I groaned, dragging my hands across my face, staring up into the sky and looking at the meager bits and pieces of clouds that drifted languidly.

"Maybe I don't want to know," I replied.

"Why not?"

"Because then it might all be over."

"You're so dramatic."

"Sue me, Grasinksi."

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