getting smashed

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My legs had gone numb a couple hours ago and dusk was rapidly approaching. The porchlight caused me to cast a long shadow onto Jeremy's porch and bugs dazedly approached. The switch was still going and Jeremy had assumed what he called his "serious pose" and was now leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, eyebrows knit in concentration.

"So all the buttons do the same thing as last time?"

"Yeah, you just have a different character so your moves are different."

"But you just said they do the same thing."

"Well, I mean, they do but--"

"So you lied to me." Jeremy scoffed without taking his eyes off the screen, stunning my character and nearly throwing me off the platform.

"I didn't lie, I taught you how to play and everything!"

"Then where's my balloon?"

"Isabelle has the balloon, Ness doesn't."

It was odd, I'd never thought in a million years Jeremy and I would be playing smash while in our own backyards. We were never really friends, the only reason I had his number was because I frequently texted him in junior year for the algebra homework, and it had never gone past that. And now look at us, Jeremy, showing off his 2D side scroller moves, and Me, getting my ass handed to me on a Nintendo switch.

"You're wiping the floor with me," I bluntly said, watching as Jeremy stunned me again and shot me off the screen.

"Not my fault you weren't paying attention when I taught you how to block," he tilted his head and made a face without looking away.

"Not my fault you're a horrible teacher." Jeremy leaned back into his chair as his win streak of three popped up as our characters were clapping.

"Okay, how often have you been playing this?"

"Every day."

"Dude, what the fuck. Read a book or something."

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