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My phone's ringtone woke me, vibrating underneath my pillow and demanding attention. I just barely opened my eyes to see Grace's name blinding me in my dimly lit room.

"I am so horny!" Grace screamed through my phone as soon as I accepted the call.

"Goodmorning, Grace," I mumbled, rolling over and sitting up in bed.

"This quarantine is horrible, I am being tortured by booty calls and fuckboys on Snapchat," she complained.

"Phone sex, ever heard of it?"

"Phone sex can't stick a dick up my-"

"Are you on your period, or something? You're only ever this horny once a month."

"Maybe, the fuck are you going to do about it?"

"I have some Reese's in the fridge-"

"Bring them to me!" She screeched into the phone, making it literally vibrate with sound.

"Jesus Christ! Okay, God, calm down, I'll be at the fence in like five."

"Over and out," she responded excitedly, ending the call.

I pressed my palm against my forehead, standing up and slipping on some basketball shorts. Looking around the floor, my go-to hoodie was a step away. It was a bit too big, on account it used to be Brian's, and it slipped over my head loosely.

"Mom, where are the Reese's?" I asked, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge, which was stocked with enough food to feed an army, or maybe four boys.

"Third shelf down, back right," she replied, her eyes not leaving the screen and her fingers not pausing.

"Thanks," I grabbed a pack, thinking it over, then grabbing another. Brainstorming what else to give Grace as a surprise, I turned around and my eyes landed on a newly opened pack of Gatorade. I snatched one, also getting some fruit snacks, and tossing it all into a Walmart shopping bag.

"Nate," Grace whined from behind the fence, dragging it out obnoxiously.

"Oh mighty she-devil," I began, walking up to the fence, "be appeased with the tributes we bestow upon you." I bowed to nobody and tossed the bag over the fence, "water our crops and feed our animals."

"I'll think about it," she said, before I could hear her stomp toward her house, then her patio door sliding closed.

I let out a long sigh, then went back into my house.

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