just me, you, and this fence between us

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My best friend Grace lives behind me. We used to share a backyard until her parents built this huge six-foot fence around their yard, because Grace had gotten a dog for her fourteenth birthday.

"So what have you done today?"

"Bold of you to assume I didn't wake up only an hour ago."

"Nathan!" She scolded through the fence, knocking her fist angrily against it.

"What? Time doesn't exist anymore."

"It's four thirty right now."

"Yeah, and?"

"God, I can't stand you. Are you even attending the classes?"

"They're all recorded, what's the point?"

She just made some sort of noise I couldn't hear, and I went back to staring at the clouds.

Except there aren't any clouds. Because this town isn't even exciting enough to attract clouds.

"God I'm bored," Grace groaned.

"Tell me about it," I groaned in response.

"Well, I've been up since ten and I haven't done anything but-"

"I didn't mean literally."

"I hate you."


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