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Chapter 10: Fae Frenemy.

"maybe when the time is right, you'll find me again."


I got up after finishing my meals and got the long cape that was used here as outerwear in winter. It is white and it's thick and it's freaking heavy. Putting it on my shoulders, I go out of the door. I was startled by the two humongous men standing in front of me.

I was again startled when they bowed a 90 degree. I didn't know what to do so I bowed right back and stood up straight quickly.

“Umm... Hello?” I started rubbing my neck because I was so confused.

I again jump away in shock when both of them stand straight quickly and big-ass smiles replace their stone-cold faces. “ Hello!” They shout right back.


I then turn towards the stairs and I hear them following me. Instead of turning towards the exit, I turn towards the kitchen.

I turn around and see them looking at me in slight confusion.

“ I just wanted to get an apple or something before going for a walk,” I told them quietly. They seem to understand because they stopped at the end of the hallway and I went inside the kitchen.

There were 2 maids in the kitchen and I recognized her peculiar golden hair immediately.

They both saw me and their eyes widened. They started to bow.

“ No.No need for formalities. ”

They both stood up straight.

I looked towards the slightly older maid and smiled at her.

“ Could you get me an apple or some berries? If they are available.” I saw her visibly relax and she smiled.
“Of course! ” She bounced on her steps and went into another room.

Then I turned towards the fae. I smiled and saw her go more rigid.

“ Hi.” I greeted her brightly.

She looked around for a while and then she replied a soft hello. I didn't hear it but I saw the way her lips move.

A fae.

“ Does this kingdom have some tattoo shops around here?” I asked her politely.

She shook her head.


“So did you get that tattoo from somewhere else?” I pointed towards her leg.

She looked like someone slapped her.

Bingo! I am right on track.

“No. ” She replied in a whisper.

But just as I was about to open my mouth, the other maid came back with my apple and berries.

She gave me the containers and I thanked her and went out towards the guards.

They started walking right beside me.

We reached the forest and started walking beside the tree line.

The air is so fresh. Fresher than it ever was in my coven. The forest is so green and so inviting. My fae instincts want me to go inside and explore. Make friends. Fly. But the vampire in me wants to go inside and spill blood.

I'm torn. So instead of going in I just stay on the borders. We reach a clearing with a lake at the very far end of it. The lake looked lonely. I popped a Berrie in my mouth and started walking towards it but I was stopped when a warrior wolf appeared in front of me.

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