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“ I think we deserve
A soft epilogue, my love.
We are good people
and we've suffered enough.”


I am going to kick him in the nuts if he doesn't stop tickling me.

His hands keep running circles on my waist. And it fucking tickles.

My body is already overriding with hormones.

Who even told him to put his hands there?

“ Now you may kiss the bride!” The priest behind us shouts.

“ Fucking finally!” Vladimir says and the whole hall starts laughing.
He pulls my waist and bends me a bit and kisses me deeply.

The hall is filled with hoots.

“ I present to you the King Vladimir and Queen Adrienne of Royal and Avalone Kingdom! ”

We pull apart and look at eachother.
We both are grining ear to ear.

“ Did I tell you that you look beautiful?” He whispers.

I roll my eyes. “ Only a thousand time.”

His eyes sparkle as he laughs. “ You look beautiful!”

I just shake my head and laugh.

We both walk down the stairs towards the middle of the ballroom.

“ Let's dance Mrs. Knight!” He almost bounces and twirls me around.
I laugh and place my hands on his shoulder as he sways me.

“ To think that after everything that happened we are here after all.” I whisper. He kisses my nose.

I can't. He is getting cuter and cuter with his PDA from the day I have been back.

He is getting more clingy and more lovely.

Or I just missed him too much.

“ I knew we were going to have this stage someday and I was bloody prepared.” He tries to talk in my accent and I laugh out loud.

According to him, my accent is a lot sexier and our children need that accent in their life.
So he has been trying to make me his personal dictionary.

And he is failing miserably at this.

“ If you had asked me at the start that this day would come I would've probably just gave you my fuck off look. ”

He nods and twirls me and dips me.

“ To be fair, you did give me that fuck off look many time before. ”
He sounded almost smug.

I let him guide us to the music and soon other couples join us.

I see Max and Angelina.
I see Brianna with her mate who's name is Brandon. He fits quite well here.
And I see Ed and I burst out laughing.

He is fucking twirling to the sound of piano.

Vladimir chuckles and shakes his head.

“ I can't do anything with him.” He looks back at me.

I narrow my eyes.

He pushes his head back and looks around in a dramatic manner.
“ Oh no I know that look. You are going to drop something at me. What is it? ”

I just can't with him.

“ I went to visit your witch friend Krasha today.” I speak as he sighs.

“ Her name is Kiera and you don't need to be jealous. It's you I married not her.” He twirls me again.

“ I know. But she told me a little something about our child regarding her gender.” I try to hide my smile as he gawks at me.

" Really? So who won? ” He stops dancing as he grabs my hands.

I sigh dejectedly.“ You did.”

He smiles so widely that my facade breaks.
“ We're having a mini you. A girl! ”

He grabs my waist and kisses me until my toes curl.

We had a bet. I thought it was a boy and he thought it was a girl.
We both are okay with any gender but we betted for fun.

And he won.

The music dulls as we stop dancing.
People come up to congratulate us.

Both fey and werewolves come up to us.

Both of our kingdoms are connected now through us and that makes us a force to reckon with.

I am the Queen of both kingdoms but I'll most likely handle Avalone as Vladimir handles this kingdom.

Father will probably help me with Avalone.

And just like that I see him at the distance looking at me and smiling.

I smile back.

Him and I have gotten a lot closer. He walked me down the aisle and he even went with me to choose my wedding dress.

I ended up choosing a blush and white dress. It's very Queen like.

With the crown and everything.
We decided to use the old crowns to continue the legacy. And they were pretty.

After receiving many congratulations, Vladimir makes me face him.

“ You look really beautiful in that dress.” He whispers and I smile.
“ I wonder how good will you look without it.” He whispers right next to my ear.

I reel back and slap his chest as he vibrates with silent laughter.

“ Naughty boy.” I laugh.

I look around and grab his hand.
“ Let's disappear.” I meet his smirking expression as I drag him.

“ As you wish my love.”

And we continue our journey with our hands entwined.

And everything was right in the world again.

Just me and my Mr. Green eyes.

It was a long and rough journey but I am glad that it's end came.

Its always best to walk on rough paths. Because flower grow in the rough paths not on pavements.

And I am glad I choose this path.
I am glad he choose me.
My Vladimir.

Vladimir [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now