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Chapter # 40 : Epilogue.

“ You can't go back and
Change the beginning,
But you can start
where you are and
change the ending.”
C.S. Lewis.


Adrienne's P.O.V.

I feel like shit! It's been 2 weeks since the life changing decision and I finally got everything in Avalone under control.

I open the door to my chamber and see fate standing at the edge of my bed.

“ Hello! ” She calls cheekily.

I wave back dejectedly.

My feet carry me towards the sofa.

“ What are you doing here? ” I question because this is the first time that I have seen her since the coronation.

She twirls and sits besides me.

“ I have been watching you since the coronation. I watch you cry to yourself at night and then engross yourself in work at day. You are not eating and sleeping properly. ”

I get up. “ Then what the hell am I supposed to do? I tried to forget it. I tried to be strong but I can't. I need to have something to do all the time or else I will die. I am a fucking mess and I would've been dead long ago if it wasn't for my child. So TELL ME ? WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? ” I shout in frustration as I grip my head.

She smiles at me with sympathy.

“ It's time you go home.” She speaks.

“ Home? I am home ! ” I respond while taking off my corset.

“ Not the place where you should be. But the place where you want to be. Where your child wants to be.”
She pulls me in a hug.

— —

I am standing infront of a lake. A very big and beautiful lake. Much like the lake back at home.


I sigh.

Fate pats my back.

“ Now all fey rulers have the ability to open portals and travel realms.
It's very easy. Just picture the place where you want to go and it will open at that end.”

I nod at her words as I shut my eyes.

My mind goes back to the lake near the training area. I picture the place where I used to train. I picture Angelina, Max, Night.

I picture him.

“ Open up.” Upon hearing her voice I open my eyes and there is a big circle that resembles the black hole except it's white.

I turn towards fate and hug her.

“ You know I can't come. My job here with you is done. I am sorry for your losses.” She hugs me back as she apologizes.

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