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Chapter 11: Name your price.

“ You know I am here for you right?” he asked her. She replied yes. He sighed, “Just so you need to hear it again I'll tell you again. I am here for you, whenever, wherever, forever.”
                           — E.Z.K.


Xavier's POV ;

There is something about her. I know. I recall her conversation with the siren. The siren wasn't able to claim her. I am thankful for that but even though she is a vampire there is nothing there.

When the siren made me sleep it was just being immobilized. I could hear everything loud and clear and I even heard the splash. Implying that either the siren jumped in or she was pushed. And sirens are known to be the most elegant creature so jumping in is not a choice. That means Adrienne pushed her.

No matter what I do I can't figure her out. That siren has influenced many vampires before but she couldn't control her. I remember her saying something along the lines of how this mind control thing is her game and the siren can't beat her. Honestly, she sounded super hot. It was a shame I couldn't see her fighting for me or else I would've fallen more in love with her.

Yes. I love her. I have adored her from the moment her crystal eyes met mine in the forest. I loved her even when I didn't know her and she is what I would've ever wanted. She is perfect. Oh, God. I am so done.

I just need to trust her. She'll tell me when she is ready.

I heard the ring of the clock and I was out of my seat.

Yes! Finally, my time here is over. I almost run out of the office and towards my chambers. I am so missing her and I know I am so screwed.

I heard the sound of a crash as I entered the left-wing. I instantly became alert and ran as fast as I could with only one thought in my mind. Adrienne.

I open the door to the lounge area and I hear a loud wail and another smash straight from Adrienne's room.

Whoever decided to harm her is going to pay.

I open the door only to be startled for a moment. Everything is a mess and in the middle of it is Adrienne, still jabbing the mirror hysterically.

I jump into action and wrap my arms around her from the back and grabbed her fists that were coated with blood. Her blood. My heart broke at the sight.

She started battling like a wild animal would when they are caged and she is powerful.

“ Adrienne! Hey! HEY! STOP LOVE! STOP IT.” and then I heard the most heartbreaking sound. She went slack in my arms and started whimpering. I went down with her until I was crouching on the floor with her in my arms and she was clutching to me like I was her oxygen.

“I-I can't-t con-control-l it-t,” she says between her whimpers.

I start cradling her.

“Shh. It's alright.” I mumble to her.

“I-I'm Sorry-y. I-I did something-g b-bad.” she again cries.

She did something bad.

“ I didn't want to do it. It just happened. I am sorry.”

“ Hey...” I grabbed her face and made her look at me. Her face had tears running down and her red eyes held a gloom that made my heartache.
“Love. It's alright. Calm down. Let's get you cleaned up first and then we'll talk about it.” I pecked her forehead and I picked her up and went into my room well because her's was destroyed. I made her sit on the couch and ran inside the bathroom to grab a first aid kit.

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