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Chapter 13: Not tipsy, Buddy.

Is there a written rule book, that tells you how to be—
All the right things to talk about—
that everyone has but me?”
                                - Lang Leav.


I admit it. I knew it before but I just never wanted to acknowledge it. As I woke up with Vladimir's arms wrapped around me, I felt happy. I admit it and I also confess that I wanted more. I want to know him as no one else does. I want to have that fantasy life that everybody dreams of. I want to flaunt my mate in front of all the hungry vampires, including my both stepsisters. I want to have him all to myself.
But I know that I can't. No! I shouldn't.

It'll be unfair to him. He thinks I just have this knack. Wait until he knows that I am not only from one of his enemy species, the vampires but I am part Fae too. The other enemy. There is no way his people would accept me. How could they? I am the combination of their enemies and a deadly weapon against them.

I felt him stir and I turned towards him and saw his relaxed expression.
Should I be like those girls and touch his face or not?

Meh! Let's be those girls and see his response. I felt a giddy smile take over my face. I placed my finger on his cheekbones. God! Those could cut me.
A light bulb went off in my head as I gazed at him.

I sat up a bit and grabbed a pillow. It's time to suffocate him with my sexiness. Literally. Almost a giggle escaped me but before this plan backfires, I quickly put the pillow on his face and pushed it down on his face. I got a reaction almost immediately.

His arms instantly wrapped around my wrists and I was under him in a second with one his hand holding my hands and the other around my neck and his eyes are black with his fangs elongated.

“Hello handsome. If this is the position in which you'll kill your assassin, I think they'll keep dying.” I smiled cheekily and I felt him relax.

“Adrienne...” And suddenly he hugged me. I was startled by his sudden intimacy.  “ I thought something happened to you. A million scenarios ran through my mind in that one second. God, I was ready to break the necks of those responsible, if you even had a scratch. ”

My plan just backfired. I was waiting for his anger but all I got is this. His confession.

“ Val, it was a prank.” I patted his back.
“Don't cry, darling. I am right here. Do you want me to kiss it better?”
I blurted out. Wait I didn't mean to say the last line.

His head snapped up. “ I'm not crying but you can still kiss it better.” He puckered his lips.

" No, that term was meant for you when you were crying. Now that you aren't crying, that isn't valid.” I tried to get out of his hold but he just pressed down more until I could feel all of him.

“ I am crying. See.” And he made the fakest and ugliest crying face I had ever seen and I couldn't control it. I busted out laughing.

He always keeps a prim and proper style so this was so different and funny that I couldn't stop laughing.

“ What? You are laughing at my misery. I am sad here, Love.” I heard him say as I calmed down.

“ That was some creepy face you made there buddy.” I saw him staring at me.

“ What?”

“You're beautiful.” He smiled.

“ That's what he said.” And his smile was slapped off of his face in a second.

Vladimir [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now