Chapter 12

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The said omega stopped midway at his named being called, turning to look at Jin.

“Yes hyung”

“I’m glad you’ve listened to my advice. You had me worried. Its good stay away from that outsider. No need to mingle with dangerous alphas.” Jin said.

“Yeah” Taehyung said with a sigh, deciding it was better to stay quiet, not exactly in a mood to argue with anyone.

“You know…”

“Hyung actually I need to go to the washroom. I’ll see you later” The omega whispered but it was loud enough to cut Jin and with that he rushed outside not wanting to talk any further.

He paced faster, hoping to escape from any possible interaction with anyone. Keeping away from Jungkook had been hard for him but what was harder was to stay with Jiyong.

Every second with him was hell for Taehyung. It felt like he was being strangled. The omega couldn’t breathe, he felt suffocated.

Also avoiding jungkook meant that he couldn’t go to his usual place to cool off and get some alone time.

Overall anything and everything had been getting on his nerves these days. You brought this on yourself though. The omega thought.


Taehyung groaned, was he really asking for something much.

“Wow so much enthusiasm. You are lucky I love you or else I would have beat you to pulp.” Sana said in a fake annoyed voice.

“As if”

‘Seriously though where are you going?”

“Nowhere….ah! Stop hitting me”

“You stop replying me in one word!” Sana said as she continued striking the poor boy on his arm.

“Ah ah Sana stop” Taehyung moaned painfully, trying to soothe his arm by rubbing it with his other hand.

As Sana finally stopped hitting his arm to her heart’s content, she almost ordered, “If you’re going nowhere then come with me.” Before the male omega could even open his mouth to protest he was tugged forward by her. “Sanaa”




 “What” Taehyung huffed as he sat down on the bed in Sana’s room. 

“Care to tell me what’s with you these days?” she asked with one of her eyebrows raised.

So Sana too had caught up, Taehyung thought. “I don’t know what you are talking about” he uttered, looking around the room. Sana was still unmated so she had a room completely to herself. Must be nice.


“Yes” Taehyung replied.

“If so then look at me…………”

 Taehyung knew he was caught. He both loved and hated the fact that his friends knew him so well, knew his habits so well. His silence was enough for her to be sure that he was lying if she wasn’t before.

“Thought so…..” with a sigh Sana sat down beside him.

After a moment, “I miss those old days you know when we were all so happy, so carefree. You remember when we all went to the forest together and climbed up the trees. You were always scared. I remember you would always go up and couldn’t come back down. You were so stupid...” she ended with a nostalgic chuckle. “You are so stupid even now”

Taehyung finally looked at her. “Sana… I just don’t know what to say…..don’t know what to do”

“How about you start with the alpha in your heart”

Right it should be Jiyong. 


“Not your mind, your heart” Sana voiced. The omega whipped his head towards her. “How about you start with Jungkook?”  

The omega’s eyes widened in shock.


Short chapter heh.

Thank you for reading ♥

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