Chapter 14

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Taehyung woke up at the sound of the chirping birds playing around over his roof, the morning light from the window falling on his face.

This would have been really peaceful and a good way to wake up had he not been feeling extremely grossed out and messed. 

A groan left his mouth as tried to sit up, his body protesting against it. When he finally managed to sit up his eyes immediately went around to look for the alpha who was the cause for his aching body. 

The omega let out a sigh in relief when the said alpha was nowhere in sight but Taehyung could tell he returned at some point at midnight and had left again. 

He dragged his naked aching body. His legs were about to give up any moment, his lower back had a piercing pain that was shooting through the entire length of his spine, but he managed.

Managed to reach the bathroom without bawling his eyes out, without screaming, without any help.

Taehyung wondered, was he finally a good little omega for his alpha yesterday, was he able to fulfil his responsibilities, did he take it like he was supposed to, did he satisfy his alpha, was his alpha happy hurting him like this?

As he reached the bathroom he picked up a towel before entering into it. But just as he entered the towel slipped off his hand. Taehyung was thunderstrucked. 

The omega’s eyes widened, brimming with tears unable to believe what he saw.

His entire figure was covered with bruises, rough marks of fingertips and even hands scattered over his body. There were scratches around his torso. His face wasn’t any better, the dark eye bags and dried mark of tears. 

Taehyung was scared, scared to turn around, to see anymore bruises over himself. He was scared of himself. Never in his life had he felt this ugly and dirty. 

He rushed towards the shower head, frantically turning the knobs, hissing as the water fell on him. The hysterical omega harshly rubbed his body as last night flashed in his mind. I’m dirty! So so dirty!    

His mind repeated the same sentence over and over again as he roughly cleaned himself, pitiful sobs and painful moans coming out of his lips.


Maybe Jiyong was right. He is really stupid, dumb even. Taehyung sighed as he slowly dressed himself up.

His mind repeatedly going back to last night, his resolve to not cry about to break at any moment.

He wondered what it was. What did he do to be punished this severely? What did he do to deserve something like this? Or was he just being dramatic? 

A little scream left his mouth as he settled down on the floor in the corner of the room, his back resting against the wall, hugging his knees close to his chest as he rested his pounding head on it.

There was no way today he was going out of his room, not when he was in this condition. 

Taehyung pondered if Jungkook would notice that he was missing.  This made him laugh at himself. Even in this circumstance the alpha didn’t leave his mind.

Really dumb.

Suddenly the door opened. For a moment the anxious omega waited for another order to come, but he sighed when the scent of his friends hit his nose.

He wanted to be alone but he knew his friends weren’t going to leave him when they would see his state.


“Taetae where are you?”

Taehyung wasn’t planning to reply because he knew they would find him anyway.

“tae oh here--oh my god tae whats wrong?

Sana and Jin ran to him, both settling on either side of him.

Seeing his loved ones coming to find him, the hurt omega couldn’t contain himself as he let out all.


They were all in tears when Taehyung finished telling.

Sana and Jin tightly hugged the poor omega in between them trying to console him as much as possible. They too weren’t aware what else could be done.

“Tae, baby why wouldn’t you tell us he is treating you like this?” Jin spoke in a concerned tone, feeling guilty not being able to do anything to protect his friend.

“How would that help hyung? you're just as helpless as me.” Taehyung replied, his voice hoarse from crying for so long.

“but we could come out with something.” Sana added softly.

“its useless. I’m useless.” Taehyung uttered in a voice full of hatred and despair.

“baby no.”

“don’t say that please Taetae”

Both of his friends tried to console him, tried to reassure him, comfort him but it was in vain.

Because he expressed what he felt. Useless.


“Come on taetae lets patch you up a little. Tell us where you are hurt.” Sana said after sitting there for a long time. 

Taehyung attempted to protest but it was futile as he was pulled up from the floor by both Jin and Sana. 

“Since you didn’t show up today so we said the council you were sick. They seemed a bit suspicious but went it nonetheless.” Jin said after he was done checking on his wound.

“Thank you” 

“so now you rest. We will leave after you fall asleep.”

As Jin and Sana left after they felt that their friend fell asleep, Taehyung slowly opened his eyes.

Because even though the omega was exhausted how could he fall asleep when he had so much in his mind.


Sorry boring chapter

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