Chapter 19 - Chloe (Part 2)

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Anwaatin sighed and Chloe looked back at her. She stared at the space where Animkii had been standing. "I don't know what to do with him."

"I'm sure he's still trying to figure that out for himself. I'd be lost without my mate if that happened to me," Chloe mumbled, remembering how lost she felt when Animkii abruptly ended their friendship. How panic seized her and she could hardly breathe. It only happened that one time but it was still a shock to her and her family. She withdrew a little into herself, easing cautiously into social interactions instead of jumping in like she would have before, afraid it would happen again.

She still didn't understand it. Why had he ended their friendship and then months later leave a note in her graduation card asking if they could be friends again? Did Madison have something to do with it? Why was he even at her party?

"Yummy," Roxy said, interrupting their train of thoughts. "But now I'm thirsty."

She hopped from her chair and ran to Mik leaning against the wall since Sam was still animately talking with Chloe's father. She took Mik's hand in hers, his emotionless face breaking out in a small loving smile as he nodded to her request, and together they went into the kitchen.

"I need some milk too," Anwaatin said, watching them as well. "Want me to get you a glass?"

Chloe gave her an appreciative smile. "Yes, please."

Alone now, she looked around to see her twin cousins walking toward her, having waited their turn to steal her attention for a while.

An hour later, everyone gathered in the basement to sing to her as a birthday cake was brought out with fifteen candles lit on top.

Making a wish, she blew them all out and everyone cheered and clapped with a few whistles added in there.

She caught Animkii's eyes from the back of the crowd before he ducked his head and disappeared.

The cake was cut and handed out—though it wasn't enough for the hundred wolves who showed up. Parents ensured that all the pups got slices while they went without. Then Chloe opened the mountain of presents, and had her brothers and sister help her otherwise it would have taken her over an hour. They ripped the paper away and opened the boxes and gift bags before passing them to her to pull out the contents. She got new clothes and stuffed toys, some free weights, gift cards to outdoor stores, and many other things that she didn't feel she deserved but expressed her appreciation and gratitude all the same.

The afternoon involved games and a pinata with dinner scheduled at six. Afterward, everyone was expected to head home before darkness enveloped the land.

After failing to break open the rainbow-colored donkey-shaped pinata, Chloe stepped aside to let another pup try. She cheered on before looking around and catching Animkii stepping outside.

Fresh air... She could use a little of that too. A little bit of distance from all these wolves gathered around and pressing in on her.

She wasn't the same female she was a year and a half ago. She didn't crave attention and approval all the time. She had to withdraw into a world of secrecy in order to do what she thought was right when authority figures told her to stop. She watched her step, observed her surroundings more closely, and noticed things she never did before. One thing she noticed was the changing attitudes of the adults. They stopped treating her like a naive little pup who could do no wrong and get away with whatever she wanted. Actions held consequences and she had to take responsibility for what she did.

Even though she was discouraged and then punished for training others in self-defense, she realized that many of the wolves in her pack believed in her and supported her in her efforts. The proof of that surrounded her now and after being suppressed and suspended, the show of support was too much to take in.

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