Chapter 35 - Chloe (Part 2)

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"Your brother has lost his mind." Chloe huffed as she sat on Anwaatin's bed and hugged one of the pup's fluffy teddy bears. She hadn't hugged a teddy bear in years. She had given away most of her childhood toys, keeping only a few favorites in her room for the love she had of them since birth.

Nevertheless, she couldn't help but find some comfort in the squishy bear.

Anwaatin heaved a sigh, hugging another bear as she sat cross-legged in front of Chloe. "I know. I don't know what's going on with him. I mean, I can take a guess, but either way, he has no right hurting others. Nothing justifies his actions."

"Right? Leo wasn't even touching me, he was just talking to me and Anim flipped out like a psycho. Thank the Goddess that your father came when he did. I don't know what would have happened if he didn't."

"I'm sorry, Chloe."

Chloe scowled. "I told you before. Don't apologize for Anim's behavior."

Anwaatin hung her head. "I know."

There was a light rapping of knuckles on the door before Alpha Noodin cracked it open a few inches. "Ann, can you come downstairs for a minute?"

A nervous-anxiety coiled around Anwaatin that made her spine curve inward. She rose from the bed and told Chloe she could wait right there and that she'd be back soon.

Nervousness wrapped around Chloe as well, wondering what was going on that made Anwaatin curl into herself.

Come to think of it... Anwaatin did seem kind of nervous the moment Chloe arrived. Did she hear about what happened with Animkii earlier and talking with Chloe—even though it was mostly to listen to Chloe vent—only added to her anxiety?

Maybe you should stop dragging Ann through your issues with Anim. He's her brother and she loves him. It has to be hard to listen to your best friend complain about him.

Heaving a sigh, she vowed to stop talking about Animkii to Anwaatin and work through her issues either on her own or with him.

She struggled to swallow with that last thought.

A minute later, the door opened. Chloe lifted her lips in a smile to reassure Anwaatin that everything would be okay but it fell the moment Animkii's scent wafted in.

She glared at him as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Her muscles stiffened as rage engulfed her.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded. "Can't you just leave me alone?"

"I'm sorry." His face and voice were void of emotion.

Scowling, she pushed the plushie away and scooted to the edge of the bed. Jumping to her feet, she retorted, "I don't want your stupid apology."

"That's why I'm here. To apologize for my behavior."

She glowered. "I don't care. Go apologize to Leo. He's the one you should be apologizing to."

Animkii growled. "That male doesn't deserve an apology. He knows. He recoiled the moment he saw me because he knew he was caught defying my order."

"And what was that? Not to talk to me? Why? What right do you have to demand such a thing?"

"Why do you defend someone who talks about your breasts and how he wants to get to third base with you to his friends?" His voice rose with his mounting anger. "Why would you even talk to someone like that after I told you the horrible things I overheard him say? Have you no self-respect?"

She didn't know what to say to that. He was right. She knew Leo was flirting with her and trying to get close to her and ask her out. She turned down any attempt he made to get close to her aside from friendly conversation. She figured he'd give up but he persisted these last two weeks. Why was she even entertaining him in conversation?

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