Chapter 30 - Chloe (Part 2)

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She could hear the music from far away and as she drew near, she saw a few wolves lingering outside the front door, their breaths puffing out in front of them in the lamplight. As she neared, she saw Animkii with Ethan and his pregnant mate among those hanging out front.

He spotted her and she stopped dead in her tracks.

Maybe this wasn't such a bright idea?

A smile tugged on Animkii's lips and he beckoned her over with his hand before he shoved it in his pockets and started toward her.

Hesitantly, she stepped forward, wondering what he would do or say. He knew she wasn't eighteen yet and, thus, not supposed to be there. Would he send her back or walk her home?

"Hey," he greeted as he neared.

Looking over his shoulder, she saw the other wolves watching them, their mouths shut and their conversation dead.

"Hi," she replied. Was she nervous? Why was she nervous?

"Sneaking out again, are we?" Humor tinted his voice with a cheeky grin.

She swallowed, feeling like a little pup again before she mentally scolded herself and straightened her spine. "Just for a few minutes."

He smirked. "Doesn't surprise me. What do you want? You want to watch the dance?"

"Yeah. Sounds more interesting than sleeping."

His smirk broadened. "Alright, I'll let you break the rules this once—you know, just for a few minutes and all."

She raised her eyebrows. "You will?"

Reaching her side, he put his hand on the back of her shoulder and urged her toward the Hall. "Yeah, but only for you. So don't tell anyone."

She flashed him a grateful smile before looking down at the ground and watching her steps in the trampled snow in case it was icy. "Thanks."

He put his hand back in his pocket as they headed toward the Hall. "You still training pups on weekends?"

She shrugged. "Yeah, but not in the winter. We get new ones and some of the old ones filter in and out, so there's usually fifty or sixty at a time."

He whistled. "That's pretty awesome. I think when you become Head Female Warrior, you should start a program for pups—you know, make it official."

She stared up at him in surprise. How did he know she wanted to become Head Female Warrior? Did her father tell him? Did Anwaatin? "Really? You think so?"

"Yeah, it's a great idea. Anyone interested in learning self-defense shouldn't be limited by age, it just needs to be age-appropriate. It does a lot for boosting self-confidence too, doesn't it?"

Heat rushed to her cold cheeks. "Right."

"Hope your father is holding up his end of our deal."

She cocked an eyebrow. "Oh? And what was that?"

His dark eyes held hers. "That he trains you to be the best."

Her heart fluttered and she looked back down at the frozen ground. She could feel the heat in her cheeks spreading down her neck. "Oh... well... we're trying."

"I know you will," he said as they neared the other wolves at the entrance of the Hall. He turned his attention briefly to them. "Hey, guys. You all know Chloe. Why don't you introduce yourselves to her before I take her inside for a bit."

They all smiled and nodded their heads at Chloe while greeting her and introducing themselves one by one. They'd all heard about her, either through her father, Animkii, or through the grapevine of her suspension from training pups at school almost three years ago.

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