Chapter 39 - Chloe

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Days turned to weeks, and soon Kayla's eighteenth birthday rolled along. Chloe and Kayla were close again and Kayla ceased talking about Animkii's ass.

Kayla convinced Alpha and Luna to let her rent the hall for the evening to throw a dance party since she loved dancing. Sadly, her mate wasn't found among the males who attended the dance and they both dreaded the fact that they might have to leave the pack and move far away from each other.

"I'm not going to the Mating Ball this year," Kayla announced a few days after her birthday.

"What?" Chloe demanded, panic filling her as she gaped at Kayla.

Kayla nodded, avoiding Chloe's eyes. "I'm just not ready to find my mate and leave. I just turned eighteen. Rules state that pups born a few weeks before the Mating Ball are not required to attend, and I'm not ready."

Chloe's heart fell while anxiety mounted. "Really? But it will be no fun without you there."

"I know," Kayla said, a grin creeping onto her face. "But you'll be going with a couple of your cousins and others from our class, so you'll still have lots of fun without me."

Chloe knew she was right but she couldn't help but feel nervous about going to a big event without her best friend at her side.

"What if I find my mate?" Chloe asked.

"Then you'll be so excited, you won't even miss me."

Chloe knew she had a point. "And if I don't find my mate there?"

Kayla's grin spread wider with a hint of mischief. "Then maybe you should take a chance on Alpha Animkii."

Despite the skip in her heart, Chloe scowled.

Anwaatin told her that Animkii would be going this year. He hadn't gone since he first turned eighteen, but that he was going this year.

"Why?" Chloe had demanded when Anwaatin told her this.

The younger female shrugged her shoulders. "I guess to see if you find your mate or not."

Chloe had growled. She didn't like the idea of him hovering nearby, and yet a part deep inside her was excited by his presence. The "matebond" was working its magic with them even though it was only a fraction of the strength it normally was for true mates. It was titillating, and she didn't like it. The matebond was too manipulative.

She'd only seen Animkii in passing these past few weeks. He was quiet but kind to her. They only spoke to each other when they had to, pertaining to the task at hand.

His presence made her nervous. She still didn't know what to think or how to feel about him and he didn't push or ask. She knew he was trying to help her do the right thing and wait for her mate but she could feel the tension between them.

How had it come to this? They used to be so close. They could laugh together and tell each other anything and everything, free of judgment and criticism. In a way, she missed those days, when life was simple and innocent. When she had loved him completely without even trying.

It was love, she knew. An innocent form of it, but love nonetheless.

As the day of the Mating Ball drew nearer, Chloe felt more and more apprehensive.

She asked her father what it was like and he explained that it was like a wedding reception. It was more elegant than a club and held in the banquet hall of a hotel where all the rooms were booked for the werewolves for the occasion. There was music and dancing, appetizers and drinks, a big feast later in the evening after everyone had a chance to find their mates, followed by more music and dancing. After that, everyone could retire to their rooms whenever they wished.

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