Chapter 41 - Animkii

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Animkii watched Chloe from the bar, sipping a whiskey on the rocks as she circled around the room a few times before sitting near the doors. Her back was straight, eyes focused solely on the target that wasn't present.

He kept his eyes on the Ashtar wolves attending the ball as well. He didn't know what Sergei had up his sleeve, but he hoped he had the decency not to interfere with time-honored traditions such as the Mating Ball. Ethan was also watching, along with the other Betas sent to guard their pack's wolves.

When the double doors to the ballroom were closed, the lights dimmed, and the music turned up, he swallowed the last gulp of whiskey down and set his glass on the counter before the bartender. He nodded to the middle-aged man before turning his attention back on his heart.

She was his heart, whether she knew it or would accept it, because she was his reason for living and breathing now. His reason to hope, to dream, to love.

She was his and he wasn't about to let any of the mateless males in the room have a shot with her.

Quick strides led him to her side. She barely noticed until he was only a few feet away, her nostrils flaring as she picked up his scent over the loud music.

Goddess, she was stunning in that green dress. Her hair was pulled up off her slender neck and he resisted the compulsion of sinking his teeth into that delicate flesh and claim her as his.

"Don't worry," he told her. "Not everyone finds their soulmates at their first Mating Ball."

She humphed and turned her attention back on the doors, as if expecting her mate to burst through them any minute.

"I assure you, only half of the wolves here found their mates," he said, taking a seat next to her at the round table. "It's upsetting, I know. But you'll find him someday, if you want him."

"And what do you want?" she snapped. Hardened green eyes narrowed at him, the edges glistening with moisture. "Me?"

"Always." He didn't skip a beat as her heart picked up in pace.

"And what if I don't want you? What if I want my true mate?"

The challenge in her tone drew his lips up in a smirk. "I always did love your feisty side."

Heat flourished on her cheeks, turning them a soft rosy hue underneath her freckles. She swallowed, straightening her spine despite the rapid beating of her heart. "You use that word so casually."

He cocked his head to the side. "Love?" His smirk broadened. "Not at all."

The hue of her cheeks deepened further and he could see her muscles in her face and neck twitching. Her breathing grew more laborious as her heart continued its fast rhythm, not letting up with the contradictory emotions competing within her.

The music changed to a romantic slow song—the first one of the evening. He got to his feet, straightened his jacket, and stepped up to her with his hand outstretched.

"Dance with me?"

She stared at his hand before her green eyes rose up to meet his. She had a startled deer-in-the-headlights look on her face for a moment before she blinked and was back to her old self.

"You sure? I might have cooties."

His smile broadened to meet his eyes. "You're not a pup anymore."

Rising to her feet, she placed her hand in his. "Well, had we been friends, that wouldn't have been an issue in the first place."

He couldn't help the smirk that crinkled his eyes as they made their way to the crowded dance floor. "Even then, I wouldn't have been able to hide my feelings from you and others. Everyone would have figured it out, and it wouldn't have been good since you were still a pup. We might have been forced apart then, and that would have sucked too, wouldn't it?"

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