Chapter 20 - Animkii (Part 2)

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He continued seeing his therapist three times a week. Soon it was Anwaatin's birthday and he made sure he was present from start to finish with that, but it was still difficult. Nearly all the pups of the pack attended and there weren't enough parents around to contain the chaos of the Hall but they all had a blast. Chloe was there, but her attention was on Anwaatin—as it should be—and she didn't even glance at him.

Oliver's birthday was a month after and soon it was his own.

He didn't want a birthday party. Who would he invite? The only friend he had left was Ethan and even their friendship was strained. Plus, Ethan had just found his mate. He was deliriously happy and his joy only brought agony on Animkii. Animkii wanted to be happy for him but he couldn't.

Everyone was moving on with their lives. Pups were being born. Mates were coming and going.

Life stood still for him. Pain and guilt were ever-present.

No matter how much he saw his therapist, he couldn't let go of the suffering he let Madison endure.

He had a quiet birthday at home with just his closest relatives and Ethan present.

He could hardly sit through it. Madison should have been there... with their pup in her arms. All smiles and happily singing to him the birthday song before he'd blow out twenty candles.

There was nothing he could do to bring them back.


A week after his birthday, his mother barged into his room and threw some empty luggage down at the foot of his bed.

"Pack your things. Now."

Pulling himself up, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "What for?"

She was about to leave and hung her head, stilling in the doorway with her back to him. "Your father..." she swallowed, "has been challenged."

His eyes widened as he rose to his feet. "What?"

"It was bound to happen," she murmured. "We knew it was only a matter of time..."

A challenge for the position of Alpha was a fight to the death. The challenger had to kill the Alpha—and his mate and pups and anyone who refused to submit to him—or die trying. Submission wasn't enough. He could rise up and try again. Others would see the weaknesses of the Alpha and challenge him as well.

Animkii knew this was coming. He just refused to see it.

"You're trying to sneak me out?" he questioned.

She hung her head in shame. "I need you to go pick up Ann from school and get out of here as fast as you can."

Snarling, he grabbed his mother's arm and jerk her around to face him. "I won't turn tail and run like a coward!"

She flashed fang. "I won't risk Ann's life and yours too! I won't have blood on my hands for both of your lives!"

"I do not fear death! How dare you bring shame on me and Papaw! Have you no faith in him?"

"He told me to get you two out of here! Don't you dare pin this solely on me!"

He growled and threw the luggage to the floor.

"You knew this was coming!" she spat. "We all knew this was coming! The moment Madison disappeared—"

Turning, he groaned and slammed his fist against the nearest wall.

"You know it. Everyone knows it. We're not as young and as strong as we were before. I know your father is still a powerful and mighty male for his age—but we're not young anymore. He's struggling to keep those young males in line. They've been testing him for years, toeing the line of power and dominance. We all breathed a sigh of relief when you found Madison, but that safety net has been stripped away from us. This is the way it is. If you don't get your shit together soon, then we will all die unless you can put your pride aside and get Ann far away from here and rebuild your lives on your own. Those are the options—and right now, you're in no shape to confront any challenger your father has yourself."

As she spoke, a growl reverberated within his chest as he turned to face her. She met his with her own, baring her teeth at him, demanding him to submit but he refused.

He knew she was right. Everyone had been gently urging him to move forward but he couldn't. He refused. Now, he had to face the reality that stood before them—no longer a lingering threat in the shadows, but a full-blown beast ready to tear him apart as soon as he could get his paws on him.

"And where would I go? Where would I take her? I won't live like a rogue and I won't drag her through that hell without a wolf of her own. What if she doesn't get her wolf before the winter? You think I can keep her alive then?"

She crumbled. "I can't... I can't bear the thought of you both dying because of me... Because I couldn't do anything to save you."

"You would rather bring dishonor on us than to let us die with our honor still intact? Ann should still be given a chance to live, yes. She's just a pup with her whole life ahead of her, but what future is there for me?" he snarled. "I have nothing! I don't even have my pride or honor anymore! I don't care if I live or die anymore!"

"You are still young and have your whole life ahead of you!" she cried, tears welling up in her eyes. "You could do so much good if you only looked inside and saw what you had to offer!"

Groaning, he raked his fingers through his tangled hair as he sat down on the edge of his bed. This was all his fault... "I'm sorry," he murmured. "I let you all down..."

She clasped his chin and drew his face up to look into hers. The years of stress pulled down on her beautiful facial features that she held together in firm determination. "Don't you dare say that. You had a right to mourn. But the time for mourning is over. That doesn't mean you have to forget her, but it means you have to step up and take responsibility for your life now. We are granting you the chance to run and start over... Or face the consequences if your father loses."

"And what if he doesn't lose?"

Releasing his chin and stepping back, she swallowed, the moisture building again in her eyes. "Then we will have to prepare for the next one. They won't stop. You know they won't. But the other males will see his weaknesses and feel emboldened. Depending on how he comes out of this challenge, he might not be strong enough for the next one."

"He won't have to face the next one," Animkii growled. "Not until that male comes through me first."

--- Author's Note ---

Next chapter will be up on the 10th or you can get the next 7 installments now on Inkitt! Link is in my profile.

Dedicated to HeartStone Packmate: Adeniun - Join us on Facebook!

Copyright Jo Lee Hunt ( Joflower ) 2020

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