Chapter 36 - Chloe

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Chloe stared at Animkii as he slipped out of the room. Her mouth opened and closed like a goldfish until the latch of the door clicked softly shut.

She snapped to attention and there was a slight spin of the room when she glanced around, lost in her thoughts and emotions. Her knees wobbled and she hobbled back a few steps to sit down on the edge of Anwaatin's bed.

What just happened?

She understood that he suffered after Madison's death. She understood that his life would never be the same. She understood that he couldn't come to grips with it and how to handle it, but why? Why did he push her away after every attempt she made to reach out to him?

'You're a pup. I can't be near you.'

Her eyes widened as she remembered his words from years ago.

Did he have feelings for her before finding Madison? And if he did, did she know? Was that why Madison was so cruel for no reason? Was that why he avoided her? And ended their friendship over the phone instead of face-to-face, talking about the issues they needed to work out?

She clamped a hand over her mouth as the door creaked open slowly. Anwaatin peered in as she inched the door open.

Chloe lowered her hand to her side and gaped at Anwaatin as her face appeared in full between the door and the frame.

"Chloe?" she asked timidly. "Are you okay?"

Why was she hesitant? Only a few minutes had passed since Animkii left. He couldn't have been there for more than five minutes. His scent still lingered in the bedroom and the hallway, she had to have known that he was here.

Did she know what was going on? Did she eavesdrop?

"How much do you know?" Chloe asked.

"Um..." Anwaatin hesitated as she slipped into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. "Most of it?"

"You knew... You knew he was coming. You were all in on this, that's why your father called you away." Chloe's eyes widened. "That's why you called me to come over. You knew Animkii and I argued out in the valley earlier today and you set this up."

Guilt pressed down on Anwaatin's shoulders. "I didn't set it up but I knew about Anim and Papaw's plan. He needed to tell you the truth... or most of it."

"Most of it?"

"I assume so. I didn't listen but I know Anim was supposed to tell you some things so you'll understand why he's been such a stupid-head."

"I can't believe this," Chloe murmured. Betrayal set in again. "You're all on his side."

"We're on your side too!" Anwaatin insisted. "I love you. I've always loved you. I grew up with you. You've always been like a sister to me. I've always wanted you and Anim to be mates."

Chloe frowned. "Mates?"

"You know, second-chance mates. That's why his scent changed when you turned eighteen. Didn't he tell you?"

Shaking her head slowly from side to side, Chloe eased away from Anwaatin and headed for the door.

'I'm second-best and can't have you.'

"I..." Chloe began, hesitantly. "I have to think about this."

Tears welled up in Anwaatin's eyes. "I'm sorry. I've been keeping secrets from you... but the truth isn't mine to tell."

Chloe's heart pounded in her chest, pumping blood throughout her body in a fight or flight defense mechanism.

She chose flight and ran out of the house. No one stopped her as she peeled away as fast as she could go, sprinting across the valley. The urge to run, run, run, and never look back gripped her.

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