Chapter 21 - Animkii

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The wolves were already assembling in the valley, down the grassy knoll outside the pack house when Animkii hurried out with his mother on his heels.

She said her piece and she had sent a trusted friend to run to Anwaatin's school and pull her out and get her out of harm's way.

Animkii wouldn't back down. He couldn't appear weak to the pack any longer.

His mother was right. His time for mourning had come to an end. He would either reunite with Madison in spirit or he would live and train himself harder than he'd ever trained himself before so that his family would live.

He may feel dead inside, but his family deserved to live.

He wanted to see his parents grow old and gray. Even if he couldn't give them grandpups, Anwaatin could and they deserved to meet them before giving up their spirits.

Two hundred wolves and counting stood in a large circle by the time Animkii and his mother arrived. Bowing their heads, they parted to allow them to pass through and stand next to his father and Uncle Gekek and his mate in the middle.

Mixed emotions filled the circle. Anxiety and tension among those loyal to Animkii's parents and curiosity and excitement among fifty or more males and females eager to see a good fight.

His challenger was a twenty-nine-year-old male. Animkii remembered him both in the combat training room and as one of the males they questioned after Madison's disappearance. He'd been one of those males puffing his chest out at Animkii and his father for years. Toeing the line between submission and defiance. Watching their every move for a sign of weakness.

Dr. Waaban and his young trainee were waiting at one edge of the circle with the rest of their medical team—to tend to the victor's wounds that required immediate attention before carrying him to the infirmary. Sam was among the nurses, wringing his hands together, his face pale. Mik stood rigidly behind him, his arm wrapped protectively around his torso as he watched on with a stoic expression.

Animkii briefly remembered the time Sam lived with them. It felt like ages ago. They were both pups struggling with loss in their own ways and Sam almost lost it all... but he was happy now. He had a family and loved his work. A brief moment of envy filled Animkii before it was slapped away by the shout of his father's opponent.

"I, Jorge, challenge you, Alpha Noodin, for position and leadership of this pack."

Animkii sucked in a breath, holding it in his lungs as anxiety twisted within. He exhaled as his father spoke loud and clear.

"I accept your challenge," his father replied. "You know the rules. We don't fight for submission. We fight to the death. Your family will be spared if they can accept your defeat, but my family," he motioned to those standing with him in the middle of the circle, "will remain loyal only to my leadership and will honor whatever the outcome may be. No grudges will be held against you and your family should you be defeated and they submit to me, but my family will bend for no one."

His father broke eye contact with the male and looked around the pack that surrounded them, speaking to them before meeting his opponent's gaze again. "Should I die, I expect all who refuse to bend their neck, die with honor. And to those willing to follow your lead, be treated fairly and justly. I expect you to lead them to the best of your ability, to put their needs above your own, and have compassion on them during their own private trials and tribulations that they face. For there is more to being an Alpha than simply power—it is leading by example."

Animkii looked across the circle at Jorge's family. His mate stood there with their relatives, her head held high. He knew they had pups, ages seven, five, and two, but young pups were not permitted to attend challenges and must be left with a family member to take care of them.

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