Chapter 45 - Chloe (Part 1)

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Chloe bolted upright in her bed, breathing hard and looking around in the darkness. 4:30 glowed in bright red on her bedside alarm clock. Heat enveloped her body and she kicked off the thin summer blanket before getting up and standing in front of her open window in hopes of catching a cool breeze.

As she gazed out into the darkness that engulfed the valley, her thoughts drifted back to the dream she woke from.

It had been a few days since the movie with Anwaatin and Animkii, but every night since then, Animkii was present in Chloe's dreams. She would dream of things they used to do together during their childhood, like climb trees, explore near their homes, and play in the treehouse. And as the dream carried on, suddenly, they were no longer pups, but adults, laughing and joking around like they used to do.

And kiss.

And kiss.

And kiss.

They couldn't keep their hands off each other. Or their mouths off each other.

In her dreams, she wanted Animkii and no other. She wanted him, mind, body, and soul, and her dream-self indulged in all of the physical pleasures Chloe could imagine.

And he worshiped her.

She'd wake, all hot and bothered, with the last image of his mouth on her breast or between her legs lingering at the forefront of her mind, and she didn't know what to do or how to think or feel.

These past few years, she promised to save herself for her mate, and before that, she had always dreamed of Animkii being her mate.

Here they were, years later, all grown up, but the reality was far more complicated than she thought possible.

She still wanted him, but was it because of their weak second-chance bond, or was it because she had always loved him?

What was the right thing to do?

She was never able to fall back asleep. Her mind would race and keep her up until it was time for her to get up and go for her morning run.

Her father could tell something was up because she'd been quieter than usual. He didn't press, thankfully, knowing that she had a lot on her mind.

After their run, she'd scarf some food down before taking a quick rinse in the shower and head over to the training center.

Life went back to normal a week after the Mating Ball. Those without mates resumed training and those with mates joining the pack were given an extra week to settle in.

Chloe tried to keep her head high but she could feel the energy shift in the air since her return after the Ball.

Before, she was given the same respects as all the young warriors were given—more so from the wolves her own age since she outranked them—but since the Ball, all heads bowed when she entered. No one dared to look her in the eye for more than a second.

Chloe never got the chance to ask Kayla what was going on but this morning, she made sure to ask as it was the third day in a row of this. At first, she didn't notice it right away, but she definitely noticed it yesterday and today it was even more apparent.

When Kayla arrived for weight-training, Chloe dragged her into the hallway for some privacy.

Confusion marred Kayla's face when Chloe asked her why everyone was bowing their heads to her and avoiding her gaze.

"You don't know? Come on. Think. You and Alpha Animkii kissed at the Mating Ball. Everyone from our pack who attended has been talking about it. They said Alpha even confirmed it with them—that you guys are second-chance mates, but that your mate was still alive and you were confused. He asked them to leave you alone to figure out what you wanted to do but everyone is on board with you becoming Luna."

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