Chapter 38 - Chloe

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At her request, Animkii left her alone. She went up to the treehouse for about half an hour to think before coming down and heading home.

As much as she wanted to crawl into a hole and die, she knew she had to keep going. And tomorrow, she had a report due that she needed to finish tonight—her feelings be damned.

When she dragged her feet through the front door, her mother asked her where she'd been and she shrugged.

"Up in the treehouse thinking. I have to do my homework now."

She went up to her room and set her work out on the desk only to stare at it for ten minutes. Her mind kept repeating everything that had happened earlier that day and the previous days since talking with Animkii by the creek.

What he told her about second-chance mates explained a lot of things but it was still hard for her to believe any of it was true. It seemed too surreal. But she did have a small connection with Animkii. She couldn't deny that. She just hated that it was with him, the one who hurt her. She didn't know if she could trust him again with her heart.

Her mother knocked on her door to let her know dinner was ready. She lingered instead of leaving, looking at Chloe with sad but hopeful eyes.

When her mother didn't say anything or leave, Chloe heaved a sigh as she stood up from her desk. "What is it, Mom?"

"It's hard to see you struggling like this," she admitted.

Chloe closed her eyes and silently willed her mother to drop the subject.

"What he did to you was wrong and he lives now to regret it," her mother added.

Shaking her head, Chloe turned away from her mother. "I don't want to talk about it, Mom."

"I know. But I know what it's like to be confused, heartbroken, and distrustful of others who mean well and only want what's best for you."

Chloe knew she was referring to her and her father when they reconnected fourteen years ago, but this was different. Animkii knowingly hurt her, while her father didn't.

"I'm here if you want to talk, sweetie. You have time to think about it. There's no rush. And no matter what you decide, your father and I will support you in your decision every step of the way, okay?"

'No matter what you decide.'

Chloe thought about her mother's words and wondered how much she knew. It was as if she knew that Chloe faced a life-changing choice, one that she would have happily jumped at five years ago, but things were different now. She wasn't that same little pup. She had dreams and aspirations of her own and a true mate out there, looking and waiting for her. How devastated would he be if he never found her?

And what would happen to Animkii if she chose her mate?

She knew she couldn't base her decision on anyone else's feelings but her own, but she was his second-chance mate. He would have no other. And she would be lying if she said she felt nothing for him when she did. She just turned those feelings on their head and lashed out in anger instead. It was unfair to him but also deserved. If he hadn't broken her heart five years ago, she wouldn't feel so hurt and betrayed.

How could she trust him again with her heart? That was the part that nagged at her the most. She could risk it all or lose it all.

Later that evening after dinner, both of her parents came up to her room to check on her.

Frustrated with the constant nagging of concern, she growled at them and whirled around at her desk.

"Okay, spill it. You both keep poking and prodding me when I don't want to talk, so how about you guys do the talking instead and tell me what you know. Because your helicoptering is pissing me off."

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