Chapter 24 - Animkii (Part 1)

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As the days passed and Animkii's nightly training intensified, he wasn't alone. Sam's mate, Mikwam, insisted on training with him.

Animkii's mother eyed Mik curiously the first night and he lifted his chin at his request to train with Animkii. "I will bend for no one and will protect this leadership with my life."

With Mik training at his side, their trainer had them spar with each other. The older male was stronger than him since he was more active in his life in the last few months than Animkii had been. As an alpha-born male as well, Mik proved to be a formidable partner.

When Animkii's father was awake during one of his visits a couple of days later, Animkii told him with his mother at his side about Mik training with him. While his mother had already informed his father about Mik's decision, they were both initially surprised by it. Animkii didn't understand why and they told him everything that happened with Mik and his past. How he had been a rogue for most of his life and tried to take over the pack only to find out that Sam was his mate. How he had come to his senses after struggling with his feelings of having a male as his mate, his past, and determined that he wasn't fit to lead a pack because of his years of abuse and life as a rogue. It took time for him to work through it all and submit to his parents but he became one of their most loyal members over the years as well—mostly because of Sam and everything his parents did for him when he needed to feel a sense of belonging and family most.

Mik stayed away from the gym for years and now he was back at it. Training to defend the only family he'd known rather than destroy it.

It seemed odd to Animkii... and yet it put everything into perspective for him.

Their trainer pushed them both to their limits. Neither one of them was allowed to take it easy with the weights or on each other when they sparred. There was no time to ease into things. They both had to bulk up, speed up, and endure.

At the end of their nightly training sessions, they'd return to his parents' house and Mik would cook him, Anwaatin, Sam, and their pup, Roxy, breakfast. He was a great cook—as good as the chefs in the pack house cafeteria. They made sure Anwaatin got to school before it let out for the summer and they took turns napping and watching Roxy. Occasionally, Roxy and Anwaatin went to Cameron's house so the two of them could get some proper rest.

Ten days after his challenge, his father was released from the infirmary despite still being in pain from the torn ligaments and muscles stripped away from bones. He had a few broken ribs too that needed time to heal. He walked with a limp and it broke Anwaatin to see their father hobble around like an old man.

One day he was fine and the next, he was nearly ripped apart.

"I can't do it," she confessed to Animkii a few days after their father returned home. She hung her head, unable to meet his gaze with her own. Shame pressed down on her shoulders. "I can't become alpha of the pack. I can't go through what he has. I just can't."

"I'm sure you can if you had to," Animkii told her. "But you don't have to worry about it right now."

He'd been stretching, preparing to go out for a run when she approached him.

"Maybe... but... you know... Chloe's training pups this summer."

He jerked his head toward her. "What?"

She nodded, her head still bowed. "She's teaching anyone in the pack interested in self-defense, like what she was doing at school before she got suspended. It's a secret, so don't tell Mamaw and Papaw. I don't want to get her in trouble but... I think I'll join. I want to learn to defend myself too. I don't want to be caught off-guard like Madison."

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