Chapter 37 - Animkii (Part 2)

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Alana and another female from the Donatta Pack met with Animkii and his parents to talk about integration plans for the mateless females. A couple of them expressed the desire for greater communal living than their little group could offer.

"They are ready to move on, and looking to restart their lives and become part of a bigger pack," Alana said while Animkii's parents nodded their heads in understanding.

"We have already started construction of some new pack houses midland in anticipation of some new arrivals after the Mating Ball this summer," Animkii said, taking on his parents' roles while they took more of a backseat. "It's difficult to gauge how many will be leaving our pack and how many will be joining but would that be something of interest to them? With the size of our territory, everything seems somewhat divided between the northland and the southland. I plan on settling in the new construction in order to draw the two ends closer together."

Alana nodded. "Yes, I think that would be fine. I'm sure you'll need all new cooks and cleaners for the main houses and that's something we would like that will still enable us to devote as much time to our pups as we can when they are not in school."

The school bus for the high schoolers pulled up to the main house while she spoke. Animkii watched it from the corner of his eye and once Alana was done, he agreed with her that the health and well-being of the pups without fathers was very important. His attention shifted to the bus and the pups getting off while he was speaking.

Chloe emerged with Kayla behind her. Chloe caught him staring and immediately looked away. 

Kayla appeared to be talking to her and she frowned when she saw him. She trailed after Chloe, talking in low voices between them as the other pups climbed off the bus. Some headed home while others milled around the bus talking with others for a few minutes before they would eventually head home as well.

Chloe appeared to grow agitated with her jaw clamping shut and her hands balling into fists at her sides.

When they were clear of the loading zone and a dozen yards away from the pups still milling around near the bus, Chloe suddenly spun around and snapped at Kayla.

"It's me, okay? He wants me. And ever since my birthday, I have been nothing but confused by him and this whole second-chance thing we apparently have even though my true mate is still alive and out there somewhere. Okay?"

She didn't shout but her voice was loud enough that he could hear her clearly. The pups closer to her overheard her and fell silent to stop and stare at her until she stomped away, leaving Kayla staring dumbfounded in her wake.

Oh shit. This wasn't good.

"Excuse me," he said to Alana and her friend before he strode quickly across the courtyard filled with whispering pups now, staring wide-eyed at him as he made his way to Kayla's side.

She was still standing there in shock when he reached her a minute later and was startled by his presence.

"Oh, Alpha Anim—"

"What happened?" he demanded.

She stared at him, her mouth opening and closing but not forming words or sounds. A few seconds later, she snapped to attention and closed her mouth. She shook her head before gathering herself.

"We... We were just talking and..."

"About me?"

A blush rose to her cheeks as she lowered her head in submission. "Yeah."

He lowered his voice. "Listen, I don't know what you've got going on in your head about me, but you and I will never be an item. Do I make myself clear?"

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