23. Pamper

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Gareth's POV
I went in the guest quarter, where Briar was. The teachers didn't send her back to her dorm. They said that even her friends can't know. Because if they do, then their parents might get to know this as well.

I entered the room and saw Briar laying down on the bed, she didn't notice me coming in. I made a little sound and she suddenly got so scared.

She clenched to the sheets, which clearly showed how frightened she was. She looked at me but still her pale face didn't change.

I felt bad and I pitied her. Poor girl.

I went near her and she stood up. She didn't look well. I touched her forehead and she was burning. She was so hot.

I quickly took out some medicine from the cupboard. Filling the water in the glass, I gave her the medicine. She gave a reluctant expression. I sighed and sat beside her on the bed.

"If you won't eat, you won't get better" I said in a soft voice.

She just kept looking at me, blinking. She didn't utter a word. I got worried about her condition. But if I force her maybe she'll lose trust in me, and if she did then how will I take care of her?

I kept the medicine on the table and said in a low voice "You don't want to have the medicine?"

She stared at me and then after a second, slowly shook her head. She looked so innocent and cute. Why did that bastard do this?!

I, removing my thoughts from that man, looked at Briar and smiled.

"So, what do you want to have?" I asked with a little smile.

Her eyes became wide and she just stared at me. I took a deep breath tilting my head a little, giving her a teasing smile. She became nervous and looked away blushing.

She always does this when I tease her with this smile. I chuckled a bit and asked her again.

"What do you want to have, Briar? Pizza, burger or something like sweet maybe ice-cream?"

She didn't look at me. I let out a dissapointed breath and was about to get up when I heard her little voice.

"Where will you get pizza from?" she said in a very low, sweet voice.

I turned around and saw her. I smiled brightly. I was happy as she responded to me, finally. I let out my hand for her. She looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Pizza right?" I asked.

She nodded lightly, still stunned. I smiled and took her out of the bed with me.


We soon reached a midnight restaurant. Briar looked at the place. I parked the car a little away from the restaurant. Before getting out I said to Briar.

"You stay here, I'll be back soon. Okay?" I said and she nodded.

Then I went in the restaurant and saw few people. Some were having beer, some were just sitting and some of them having their snack. I went to the counter and a guy, probably in his late teens came.

"Yes sir, how may I help you?" he asked politely.

"Can I get an onion, double cheese burst pizza?" I asked with a little smile.

"Sure sir! Medium or large?" he asked.

I took a second to answer and then said "Large"

"Okay. It'll take ten minutes. Till then you can wait. Do you want beer, sir?" he asked.

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