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"Namjoon, look! A crab!" Jimin calls me over to him. I immediately run to his side, excited to catch the crab.

"Where is it, Minnie?!" I ask. He points to a small crab running around. I gasp and quickly pick it up before it runs off. "So cute!"

"Let me get a picture, Joon!" Seokjin grins, aiming the camera at me. I smile and hold the crab up for the photo. "Perfect."

"I'm gonna name him Mr. Krabs." I giggle. "Like Spongebob."

"Okay, that's fucking adorable." Taehyung chuckles.

"Joonie, come swim with me?" Jungkook pouts.

"Okay! Bye, Mr. Krabs! I'll be back in a bit." I set the crab down and make my way into the water.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Jungkook blushes.

"What is it, Kookie?" I smile.

"How do I confess to Seokjin? I really like him, Namjoon." He frowns. "But I don't want to ruin our friendship if he rejects me."

"Kookie, just go for it! He likes you too, I can tell by the way he looks at you." I say. "Do you want me to stand close by you, while you do it?"

"Yes please." He smiles slightly. "I'll do it after dinner tonight, at the campfire."

"Sounds good to me." I grin. I pause for a moment before splashing him with the water.

"Yah, you brat!" He chuckles, splashing me back. We all play in the water for a while, until lunch. When lunch has ended, we all walk around a bit.

"Oh Joon, have you talked to that boy yet? The one you thought was cute?" Taehyung asks.

"No!" I exclaim. "Tae, I'm too shy to do that."

"Aww, you're so cute." He coos, pinching my cheeks. "C'mon Joonie, you need a man."

"I don't need a man." I huff. "Besides, you know my parents wouldn't like that."

"You need to live your life without worrying about them, doll." He sighs.

"I know." I frown. "Two years and I'll be out of there."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The 4 of us put together a bit of money, and bought you this." Seokjin passes me a phone. I turn it in my hands, gasping a bit.

"You guys didn't have to do that!" I exclaim, hugging all 4 of them. "But thank you. I've never had a phone before."

"Our phone numbers are already entered into it. So you better hide that from your parents and message us." Jimin says.

"I will." I giggle, placing the phone in my pocket. "Can we go to those swings?"

"Yeah, of course!" Jungkook drags me over to the swing set. I take the phone out of my pocket and pass it to Seokjin-hyung, before running to the two empty swings. On the swings beside Jungkook and I, two boys are sitting there. And one of them just happens to be that really cute boy.

"Aww, Joonie's face is all red." Jimin coos. I ignore his comment and continue to stare at the boy. He looks up at me and smiles slightly, looking away again a second later.

"Namjoon. You okay?" Jungkook asks. "You look like you're about to pass out."

"Y-Yeah I'm alright." I smile. "Ooh, look! Another crab! He's so far away from the water."

I run over to the small creature and pick it up. "Let's take you back to the water."

I start to walk to the lake, but stop and gasp when the crab pinches me. "Ow! He bit me!"

"Aww, let hyung see your hand." Seokjin takes my hand in his, examining it. "You're alright. Let's leave him alone, he's angry."

"Okay." I sigh sadly. I just wanted to help the crab. I turn to take another look at the boy before swinging again. He's smiling at me, and laughing a bit.

"That was cute."

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