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"Joon, dinner is ready!" Minhyuk calls out for me. I finish hanging the final poster before hesitantly walking downstairs to eat.

"I made something simple, just lasagna." He says. "C'mon, I'm sure you're hungry."

I sit beside him and smile slightly when he plates my food for me. "Thank you."

"Of course, Joon." He ruffles my hair. Dinner starts off silent, just the sound of forks scraping against plates filling the room. Hyunwoo moves his hand to grab something but I flinch and back away startled, afraid he was going to hit me.

I whimper lightly, tears welling up in my eyes. The sudden movement scared me, I didn't mean to act so dramatic.

"Hey, hey it's okay Namjoon. Calm down kid, it's alright." Minhyuk hesitantly places a hand on my shoulder.

"S-Sorry, I'm- I'm really sorry please don't hit me I'll be better I promise just please don't-"

"Joonie, kiddo it's okay." Hyunwoo says. "No one is going to hit you, I promise. I wasn't going to hurt you, I was just grabbing the salt. That's all. Can you take deep breaths?"

I take a few deep breaths, evening out my breathing. "I'm sorry hyungs, I-"

"Shh. Don't apologize." Minhyuk frowns. "Do you need a minute to yourself?"

"Y-Yes please. I'm finished eating....it was really good Minhyuk. Thank you." I sniffle. I push my chair out and stand, walking up to my bedroom.

"I gotta talk to hyung, h-hyung can help." I mumble, pressing the call button.

"Joonie?" Seokjin answers. "Are you okay sweetie?"

"N-No hyung, I'm not." I let out a small sob. "I'm scared."

"Oh, honey what are you scared of?" He asks.

"Th-Thought Hyunwoo-hyung was gonna hit me. But he was reaching for something, I'm pathetic!" I cry.

"No, you aren't pathetic Joon! You've been through a lot, it's okay to be slightly startled. Don't feel bad okay sweetheart?" He coos. "Hyung has to go....think you'll be okay? If you wanna talk to someone else while I finish my work, I'm sure Yoongi will be happy to hear from you."

"O-Okay hyung. Can I call later?" I sniffle.

"Of course Joonie. Love you." He ends the call.

I've bonded with all of my friends, but Seokjin and I....we're basically soulmates (platonic, as I could never have romantic feelings for him). He's like my rock, I know I can count on him to be there for me. He's my best friend, and I always feel safe with him.

I quickly press another call button, smiling shyly when Yoongi's face pops up onscreen.

"Hey, Joon."

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