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"Namjoon, you have a call." Minhyuk says. "I think it's....about your dad."

"I-I'll be right there." I scramble off of Yoongi's chest and stand. "Can someone go with me...?"

Before anyone else can volunteer, Yoongi stands and walks over to me. "I'll go with you. C'mon, it sounds urgent."

He takes my hand and leads me into the main building to take my call. As soon as the phone is up to my ear, my mother begins to speak.

"Your dad is dead. When you get home, you better prepare for a long fucking beating, boy. This hospital bill is coming out of your work money!" She shouts. I bite my lip to prevent any tears from falling. "ANSWER ME!"

"Y-Yes, mom." I sniffle. "The money is in my bedroom....in the top drawer of my dresser."

"Good! Now shut the fuck up and go, I have better things to do than talk to a piece of shit like you! You're a horrible boy, I wish I would've gotten the abortion!" She hangs up after she's finished screaming. I slowly place the phone onto the table, my head down to hide my tears.

I'm not even sad about my dad's passing, he used to give the worst beatings. I'm just upset that my mother doesn't love me. Maybe she should've gotten the abortion.

"Namjoon....Joon, look at me." Yoongi places his finger under my chin and lifts my head. "I am so sorry that they treat you like that. Do you....do you need a hug?"

I nod slowly and let out a small sob when I'm pulled into his warm embrace. He's shorter than me, but the position is still comfortable.

"Sh-She should've just g-gotten r-rid of me!" I cry. "She's n-never w-wanted me, I'm just a-a burden! She's taking m-my money t-too, hyung!"

"Oh, Joonie." He runs a comforting hand through my hair. "You aren't a burden to me, or your other friends baby. We all care about you. I know we'd only met a few weeks ago, but I care about you as well. I think you're beautiful, kind, caring, smart, and just adorable. Please, don't listen to a word that woman says to you. You're perfect, Kim Namjoon."

"Th-That's the nicest thing th-that anyone h-has ever said t-to me!" I sob. "Thank y-you, hyung!"

"Shh. There's absolutely no need to thank me, and there's no need to cry either. Hun, I don't think you should go back to that place. It's not safe for you." He frowns.

"B-But she'll be l-lonely, a-and I can't leave!" I hiccup.

"Namjoon, who cares if she's lonely?! She abuses you! Verbal or physical, it's still abuse. It's not good for your mental state, Joon." He pulls away from my and wipes my tears away. "At the end of camp, you're going to sit right on the steps and refuse to leave with that woman. I'll be right by your side. You need to stand up for yourself, Namjoon."


"No." Yoongi sighs. "I'll get the others to be there too. We're standing up to this woman, Joon. And you will not go back there."

"Thank you."

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