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"That was cute."

I blush, my grip on the chains of the swing tightening slightly. The taller of the two boys smiles at me. "I'm Jung Hoseok. This is my friend, Min Yoongi."

"I could've introduced myself." The shorter boy, Yoongi, scoffs.

"Shut up, hoe." Hoseok huffs.

"I'm Namjoon." I giggle. "These are my friends, Seokjin, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung."

"Nice to meet you all." Yoongi says.

"Nice to meet you as well." Taehyung smirks a bit, glancing between Yoongi and I. I send him a threatening glare, and he raises his hands in surrender.

"Do you two want to join us at the campfire tonight? We usually sit in a group." Jimin asks.

"Yeah, we'd love that." Hoseok responds, eyeing both Taehyung and Jimin.

"Kookie, will you go to the cabin with me?" I ask. "I need to grab my notebook."

"Of course, sweetheart." He stands from the picnic table and follows me back to the cabin.

"Oh god, I can't go back." I groan, flopping onto my bed and shoving my face into the pillow.

"Why not?" Kook asks. "Wait. Oh my god, was that the boy you were talking about?!"

"Y-Yeah, it is." I lift my head. "He's really cute."

"Aww, that's adorable." He grins. "Here, I'll stand by you. Okay?"

"Okay." I smile. He takes my hand and leads me back to the playground. Yes, we're teenagers playing on a playground. Don't judge.

I take my notebook and open it to a certain page, to continue writing. The others start up a conversation with each other, or just mess around. They know not to bother me when I'm writing.

"What are you writing?" Yoongi sits beside me, smiling a bit. Jungkook teasingly nudges my shoulder.

"O-Oh. Just lyrics." I say. "Wanna see?"

"Sure." He means closer to me, reading the page that I'm on. I almost scream at how close we are. On the top of the page, I wrote the name of the song. 'Reflection'.

'I know
Every life's a movie
We got different stars and stories
We got different nights and mornings
Our scenarios ain't just boring
I find this movie very amusing
Everyday, I want to shoot it well
I want to caress myself
I want to caress myself
But you know, sometimes
I really really hate myself
To be honest, quite often
I really hate myself
When I really hate myself, I go to Dduksum
I just stand there with the familiar darkness
With the people that are smiling
And beer, which makes me smile
Coming to me softly
Fear, which holds my hand
It's okay because everyone is in twos or threes
It's good that I have a friend, too.'

"That's....wow. That's really good, Namjoon." He says.

"Thanks." I blush.

"I write songs too. But I doubt they're as good as this." He chuckles lightly.

"I-I'm sure they're great." I smile slightly.

"Cabin 12, let's go! It's our turn for showers!" A counselor (and Minhyuk's boyfriend), Hyunwoo shouts.

"I've gotta go. It was nice talking to you." Yoongi stands. "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah." I smile. "See you later."

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