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I walk into the cabin with teary eyes, my hand still placed gently inside of Yoongi's. Seokjin's eyes widen and he stands. "What happened, sweetie? Are you okay?"

"H-He's dead." I start to cry. "A-And mom threatened m-me, hyung!"

"Oh, baby." Jungkook wraps his arms around me.

"He's not going back to that place. I won't let him." Yoongi says. "The shit that she said to him was absolutely horrible, guys. I refuse to let him go with that woman, she's going to seriously hurt him."

I move away from the boys and lie on my bed, my face buried in the pillow as I cry. Someone tries to take the pillow away, but I just tighten my grip on it.

"Sweetheart, could you let go of the pillow?" Yoongi asks. I slowly release the pillow and look up at him with teary eyes.

"Why don't they love me?" I sob.

"Oh, honey it's okay." Jimin sits on the bed beside me.

"N-No it's not!" I cry. "I w-wanna be loved, g-guys!"

"We love you, Joon." Hoseok frowns.

"Yeah, we really do." Tae furrows his eyebrows in concern.

"Sometimes, I-I just w-wanna go to s-sleep and n-never wake up!" I whimper. "C-Cause I'm a-always treated horribly b-by everyone!"

"Don't say things like that, babe!" Seokjin also sits beside me. "We love you, okay? We won't let anyone treat you horribly anymore, sweetheart."


"We promise."

Writing is a way to take my mind off of everything that's making me upset. Although it doesn't seem to be working right now....

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