32. Failed Attempt

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[Alexandrite, using Sardonyx's hammer, splatters Lapis' main water clone.]

Alexandrite: I did it!

[However, Lapis reforms her water clone very easily and quickly.]

Alexandrite: So... destroying the main water clone doesn't work either, huh?

[Lapis' four water clones swiftly surround Alexandrite.]

Alexandrite: *in fear* I-I think i'm in trouble!

Lapis: A hammer, huh? Mind if I try?

[Lapis' main water clone makes a hammer just like Sardonix's.]

Lapis: Wanna know something interesting?! The higher the pressure...

[The first water clone punches Alexandrite while the second clone kicks her, sending her into the sky, followed by the third clone elbowing her in the stomach before the main water clone slamming her toward the ground with the hammer.]

Lapis: ...The harder the water will hit! *chuckles*

[The water clones immediately form a giant water sphere above Alexandrite.]

Lapis: Hope you're ready!

Alexandrite: *in pain* Arggh!

Lapis: Here you go!!

[Lapis drops the water sphere onto Alexandrite and then lifts it up to drop it again, thus crushing Alexandrite repeatedly, creating a massive crater in the ground.]

Lapis: You can't win! *laughing* Face it!

【After a while.】

[Lapis dispels the water sphere, ceasing to crush Alexandrite, who lies face down on the ground and groans in pain.]

Alexandrite: Aggh! Gah!

Lapis: Awesome. They're still alive.

Alenxadrite: *in pain* This can't be! *she said as she struggled to get up and keep on fighting *

Lapis: You really wanna keep fighting, huh? When will you give up?

Alexandrite: *panting* I-I won't give up! You'll have to make me!

Lapis: You know what? That's a great idea!

[Three water clones wrap their arms around Alexandrite's body as they turn into water chains, shackling her tightly by her neck, torso, until all her arms are shackled.]

Alexandrite: *screams in pain* No way!

Lapis: You're mine!!

Alexandrite: *struggling to break free from the water chains* Grrr! These chains are very strong!

Lapis: I'm warning you, you won't be able to break free from my chains so easily.

[Two water chains emerge from the ground, shackling Alexandrite by the legs and causing her to fall to her knees.]

Alexandrite: Ughh! *grunts* Lemme go!!

Lapis: First of all, I'm gonna get all the information you have out of you. For example - how many Gems like you are there right now on Homeworld?

[Alexandrite doesn't answer her and remains in absolute silence.]

Lapis: So you don't want to collaborate, huh? Fine by me, otherwise it wouldn't be fun. *chuckles* Am I right?

[Lapis squeezes Alexandrite tightly with the water chains.]

Alexandrite: *crying out in pain* AAHH!!

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