Chapter 2

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Stefan trailed after Elena, determined to do what he did best. Charm the hell out of her until she was practically agreeing to anything he said without even thinking about it. He found her with her back to him, looking through a shelf as she did inventory. "Excuse me" he said, standing less than a foot away from her.

Elena turned around, slightly taken aback by how close he was standing to her. "What?" she bit out. He held his cool though. She was just testing him, seeing if he was man enough to handle her. Which he was. Elena became even more irritated that he hadn't said anything yet. "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm busy" she informed him in an icy tone, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at him. She knew his type. The rich guy who was used to getting whatever and whoever he wanted, no matter how much he inconvenienced everybody else.

Stefan smiled at her, which only infuriated her. "I think we got off on the wrong foot" he told her. "I can be a little direct sometimes when I see something I want" he continued. He thought that might flatter her. Elena fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Let me make it up to you. How about dinner tonight?" he suggested. He could tell that she was thinking about turning him down. He had to step up his game. Stefan stepped even closer to her, blocking any escape she might have. His voice got quieter, trying to set the atmosphere to something a little bit more intimate, even if they were in a crowded diner. "Come on, it'll be fun. And then maybe afterwards ..." he smirked, figuring she could use her own imagination. He sure was using his. And it involved her clothes on the floor and mind-blowing sex in his bed. Well, it might have started on the kitchen counter, moved to the staircase, and then ended up in his bed. Possibly the shower afterwards, depending on how tired he was. But he snapped out of the remarkable daydream to focus on her in the present.

Stefan searched her eyes, finding what he thought was her giving in. Women just couldn't resist him. He placed a hand on her waist, his thumb caressing her in the process. Women were known to melt into a puddle on the floor at the very simple act of his touch.

In the next moment, his body was being spun around and the side of his face came crashing into the wall, his arm twisted up behind his back. Elena stepped closer behind him, continuing to hold his arm in place and making sure he was not going to move. She brought her mouth just below his ear to make sure he heard her good. "Touch me again, and you will lose your hand. Got it?" she asked in a low voice.

Stefan stood pressed against the wall, trying to figure out what in the hell happened. This young, small girl had him almost in tears as she applied more and more pressure to his arm, waiting for him to confirm that he understood. Stefan nodded, and barely squeezed out an "okay" for her. He was ashamed to have had his ass kicked by a girl. Especially the girl he was trying to charm.

Elena shoved him harder into the wall as she let go. Stefan turned around and brought his arm up to his chest, rubbing it slightly. She was still glaring at him. He wasn't going to give in though. "You know" he smiled. "You're sexy as hell when you're mad" he winked.

"Oh, you haven't seen me mad yet" she promised him. "So leave me the hell alone" she said, turning and going back to wait on another table.

Stefan watched her navigate around the small diner. His arm still hurt like hell, but he couldn't help but think how perfect she would be. If she had this much spunk in public, she must have been a real firecracker in the bedroom. As much as he would have loved to stand there again and think about their escapades in his bed (or kitchen, shower ... on the stairs), he shook the thought from him mind. He had a lot of work to do.

Stefan made his way back to his table. "So, how did it go?" Alaric asked, failing to hold back the largest grin. "Are you guys planning your wedding yet?" he teased.

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