Chapter 16

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Thirty five minutes. That was how long Elena had been reading her statistics book before Stefan came barging through her door. She saw the frustrated look on his face. "I'm begging you, Elena" he said desperately. "Take Caroline and get her out of this house for a few hours before I kill both of them" he said collapsing on her bed, his eyes closing.

"I am supposed to be reading over this chapter so that I have some idea on how to do my homework for next week" she said.

Stefan grabbed the book out of her hands and tossed it further down the bed. "I aced my stats class. I can help you with your homework" he said, slowly crawling up her body, causing her to lower herself onto the bed. He kissed her lips eagerly. "I'll do anything you want if you just get her out of the house" he said, kissing her again.

Elena perked up some. Anything? "You can take me to the Ballet Friday evening" she said. Ever since she had seen the flyer around her school campus, she had been dying to go. She had never been before.

Stefan remembered that he had said anything and therefore, he couldn't groan out of his distaste for the arts. "I'll take you to the Ballet" he said, kissing her lips one last time to seal the deal.

Elena smiled happily which made him want to smile. He wasn't used to women being so happy over something as simple as going to watch dancing. He supposed that's what made her so different. Aside from not using his money left and right, the smaller things in life made her happy. It was a nice change of pace for him.

She looked up at him curiously. "Would you have agreed to go with me if you weren't so desperate right now?" she asked.

Stefan smiled. "Of course" he lied.

Elena frowned, but failed miserably at keeping it. A smile broke through. "You're such a liar" she said, pushing against his chest as she sat up.

He remained face to face with her. "Already accusing me of lying" he said, shaking his head. "That hurts Elena. We've only been married for a few weeks" he said, feigning his hurt.

Elena smiled. "I don't think any less of you, Stefan" she told him. He raised his eyebrow at her. "We're both liars, right?" she asked, moving off of the bed to grab a brush. She quickly worked through her hair as he watched her. She was right. They were both liars. And if she wasn't one before, he had made her one. Elena looked in her mirror and saw that Stefan was looking at her. "What?" she asked, suddenly self-conscious of herself. She didn't know why. She had no reason to impress him.

He shook his head. "Nothing" he said, jumping up off her bed. "Take Caroline for lunch. She likes food" he said, leaving her room. Lunch. She could do that.


"So you work here?" Caroline asked as they walked into The Grill. Elena nodded, pointing out a booth towards the back. "This is so cool! I have a friend who is a waiter at a small bistro in the city" she said, continuing to look around. Elena sat down first, followed by Caroline who was still mesmerized by the place. Why, Elena had no idea.

The waitress came by, bringing water and asking for drink orders. "Are you one of Elena's friends?" Caroline asked exuberantly.

The waitress looked at Elena questionably. "We work together, Caroline. This is Melanie" she said, introducing her.

Caroline's face beamed with excitement at learning the girl's name. "I'm Caroline Forbes" she said, extending her hand. Melanie took it awkwardly before taking their lunch orders as well. When Melanie left, Caroline continued to be her chatty self until their food arrived. "So how are the newlyweds?" she asked, taking a sip of her tea.

Elena smiled shyly. "We're good" she answered.

"I knew you would be" Caroline said. "Because when Stefan falls in love, he loves with everything he has. He'd do anything for you, you know."

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