Chapter 39

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Stefan had spent the next two weeks in the hospital recovering when the doctor finally agreed to let him go home and finish recovering. Stefan was ecstatic while Elena was dreading it. He had good, professional care at the hospital. Elena on the other hand had no idea what she was doing. What if she missed something and he died right there in front of her? What if he got worse and had to go back to the hospital because she was such a terrible caretaker?

Lily had been more confident than Elena when hearing the news that Stefan could go home. Lily got to sit on the doctor's desk and he let her play with his stethoscope and taught her how to use it even. He went over all of the signs that she should look for and what to do if she thought something was wrong. Then the doctor had given her a sticker and Lily jumped down from the desk acting as if she had just graduated from medical school - top of her class.

Elena almost wished that Lily was over at the house with them. Being alone with Stefan when he was still pretty weak was horrifying. Stefan continuously tried to ease her worries and told her they should come up with a code word just in case he felt like he was dying so that she would know when to call 911. This had only made Elena want to cry and he felt so bad about it that Lily had suggested he buy Elena ice cream to make up for it. Stefan ended up buying Lily ice cream too which he was not quite sure how that happened, but it did. Elena hadn't wanted her ice cream so Lily got two.

That wasn't the only thing Elena was stressing about. The company she worked for was being extremely flexible and understanding with her, allowing her to get her work done from where she was. But she could tell that they were starting to wonder if she could keep up with everything going on. She had been hired to do work in LA. That was what was in her contract. It was only a matter of time before they brought this up.

Elena hadn't discussed any of this with Stefan, deciding to keep the conversation light when she did spend time with him. She knew that she loved Stefan and that she wanted to be with him, but the thought of giving up her new job was troubling her. She figured there wasn't much of a chance that the company would allow her to remain in Mystic Falls and continue to do her work over the internet and the phone.

So, it was either give up Stefan or give up her new job. Neither of which she wanted to do, but Stefan meant more to her. She sighed as she carried the glass of water back upstairs so Stefan could take his medication.

Stefan was lying on his bed propped up against a few fluffy pillows. He had changed into a clean pair of sweats and a new t-shirt. Although she was stressed and worried about him being home with only her, she had to admit, he looked a lot happier. He was so miserable at the hospital, being poked and prodded all day long. Not to mention, he told her the hospital food would kill him faster than his liver. Elena wondered if her cooking might kill him faster though. Takeout would be their new best friend until he could cook again. He smiled even more when he saw her. "It's time to take this" she said, handing him the glass of water as she opened up a bottle and dumped a tiny pill out.

Stefan took the pill without any complaints, mainly because he had sworn up and down that he would do anything and everything Elena said as long as he could come home. So, he took the pill quietly, all the while enjoying the fact that he was home with Elena. "Thank you" he said.

"Do you need anything else?" she asked, placing the back of her hand on his forehead to check for a fever. She had done that about ten times since they had been home. But Stefan didn't say anything.

Stefan grabbed her hand and tugged her forward on top of him. "Yes" he said, his hands wandering down and holding on to her hips. He leaned up slightly and kissed her with much need.

While Elena quite enjoyed the attention he was seeking, she knew better. And so did he. He was eagerly trying to remind her of what he wanted when she pulled away from him. "You are supposed to be resting. Doctor's orders" she warned.

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