Chapter 29

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She was sleeping. Or at least, pretending to be. Stefan knew he couldn't sleep and was trying hard to fight the pain medication he didn't want to take. Stefan stared into the dark room, mentally battling with himself on whether or not to go inside her room and try and talk to her. He had calmed down considerably, though he knew if the chance arose, he would become angry again.

So he crept inside as quietly as he could, making his way to the bed she was sleeping in, or pretending to be. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was steady. Maybe she really was asleep.

He decided not to wake her and slowly turned to leave. But something on the end of her desk caught his attention. A small stack of paper. He reached for it and grabbed ahold of the paper before leaving. Once he was out of her room and had light to see, he found his name on one of the papers, followed by Lily's, Bonnie's, and Jeremy's on the others. Stefan walked back downstairs, needing a glass of water.

He sighed as he sat down at the counter, tossing the other three letters aside and opening the one addressed to him. He glanced over the writing briefly but tore his eyes away. He was not sure that he wanted to read it. He set it aside and stood up. Maybe he should try and sleep.

He made it three steps before turning around and going back to the counter. He had to read it. He needed to know what she was thinking. Stefan opened the paper and read.


I know the words I write will never be enough to explain why I had to leave, but I knew that if I had to look into your eyes and tell you, I would never be able walk out the door. But I have to go and I hope one day, you can understand my reasoning. You have been far more amazing to me than I deserve. I'll leave it up to you to file for divorce after the six months are up so you can still collect your inheritance. I want to keep my end of the deal. Don't worry about keeping your end of it. Just tell everyone that I abandoned you which is essentially what I am doing.

You deserve a life full of happiness and without all of my problems. I'm sorry for bringing them into your life. Please give the other letters I have written to Lily, my brother, and Bonnie.

I don't expect you to forgive me, but please know that I only want to keep you and your family safe.


P.S. Do not come looking for me.

One tear dropped onto the letter he was still holding. Then another one. The ink began to blur and Stefan crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it on the counter. Her selflessness frustrated him beyond words. But as he paced the kitchen, it began to dawn on him. They were both trying to keep each other safe. And they were both angry with each other for it.

Stefan sighed. He needed to talk to Elena, but he needed sleep first. He shut the kitchen light off and climbed the stairs again. He stopped when he reached her room, desperately wanting to go inside again and this time, crawl in bed with her. Hold her. Kiss her. Whisper that he was sorry.

But he stopped himself. She needed her space. So he continued walking until he was in his room, in his bed, still wishing he was in hers.


Stefan's shoulder was stinging from an annoying, dull pain as he popped a pill in his mouth and swallowed. It was almost two in the afternoon and he still hadn't seen Elena. He had checked on her a few times to make sure she was still there. But she hadn't gotten out of bed and he was beginning to wonder if she would.

But his thoughts were disrupted when he heard his front door open and small, yet loud and fast footsteps could be heard coming his way. "Uncle Stefan!" Lily yelled out, her feet moving faster when she saw him. She was in his arms before he knew it and although his shoulder hurt, it was worth it. "Are you okay?" she asked.

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