Chapter 15

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Good. Remember to keep your heels down and breathe" he instructed as Elena trotted in medium-sized circles around him. "Keep your eyes on where you want to go, otherwise you're going to end up on your ass" he said, less than reassuringly.

"That makes me feel a lot better" she said sarcastically, tilting her heels down and taking a deep breath as she stared ahead. She gripped the reins tightly in her hands, reminding herself of how she was not quite comfortable with riding a horse just yet. But she was trotting and not falling off while doing it. It was a nice way to spend the rest of her Friday, seeing as how the first half was spent in Richmond attending classes. Fridays were always nice because of the shorter class schedule.

"Alright, let's call it a day" Stefan said, watching Elena bring the horse to a walk and come back towards him. "Not too bad" he said, patting the horse's neck.

Elena smiled proudly. "I'm getting there, slowly but surely" she told him.

"I was actually talking to the horse, but I suppose you didn't do so bad either" he smirked. That comment almost got him a swift kick in his chest, but he had caught her boot just in time. Stefan helped her out of the saddle and walked with her to tie up Ben. Once he was brushed out, Elena fed him a couple of treats and then let him loose with Cash in the pasture.

Elena smiled as the horses ran around. Stefan's arms came around her as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "I'll make a cowgirl out of you yet" he told her.

Elena shook her head, wiggling her way out of his grasp. "We should get back and get the guest rooms prepared. What time are Caroline and Alaric arriving tomorrow?" she asked.

Stefan walked alongside her, taking in the view around him. "In the morning sometime. They are renting a car and driving from the airport" he answered. "Don't worry about their rooms. Caroline helps herself and Alaric is pretty low maintenance" he explained.

"They're your guests, Stefan. You should have everything ready for them" Elena told him.

"They'll be fine" Stefan said, waving her off. Elena slowed down out of annoyance as Stefan continued walking.

Elena was set to argue when they rounded the side of the house and encountered two unexpected guests. "Elena!" the little girl yelled, leaving her father's side and making a full run towards her, completely bypassing Stefan.

Elena forgot about her annoyance with Stefan and opened her arms, smiling brightly as Lily flung herself into her. "Hey!" Elena said cheerfully, hugging her close.

Damon walked up next to Stefan, who was still standing there, too perplexed by what had just happened. Since when did Lily pass up Stefan for anyone? "Looks like you've been replaced" Damon said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Looks like it" Stefan said. "Traitor!" Stefan yelled. Elena laughed before whispering something in Lily's ear. Elena set the little girl down on her own feet and watched as Lily ran towards Stefan, her arms reaching out for him. "What do you want?" Stefan asked, crossing his arms.

"You" she said sweetly.

Stefan gave in and picked her up. "You totally ran to Elena first" he reminded her.

"Because I love Elena. Just like you do" Lily explained. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

Because I love Elena. Stefan replayed what Lily said and realized that this whole fake marriage was going to have negative consequences too. Lily was getting attached to Elena. And Elena wasn't going to be around for much longer. Just like you do. Well, not quite, he thought. He didn't love her. But he was making Lily believe that he did. It was wrong, but maybe one day, she would understand. "Okay, I forgive you" Stefan said.

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