Chapter 30

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Next update will be Elena's graduation as well as the end of their six month marriage "contract". Hmm ... I wonder what will happen with that ;)

Stefan only half paid attention to the publicist speaking to the group. The sun was shining which was odd for an early March day. It was only more depressing that he was stuck in the city listening to some guy right out of school thinking he knew everything. Stefan already knew his family's company wasn't going to accept the offer. But Damon seemed to be somewhat interested as he was asking all of the questions.

Stefan had other things on his mind. Elena mostly. The past few months had come and gone with nothing really changing between them since they had decided that they could not be together. They went back to their regular routines. Elena slept in her own room. She went to class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She had tossed around the idea of going back to work but Stefan had suggested that she use her extra time to study or do things that she enjoyed. So she took his advice.

Stefan threw himself into his work, which was why he was sitting at this boring meeting. He checked his watch. He still had four more hours before he could leave.

It wasn't as if they ignored each other. They ate dinner together almost every night and sometimes they would watch a movie. But he was splayed out on the couch and she was curled up in the chair. They would chat about things that didn't really matter and sometimes they would spend a Saturday with Lily.

Damon's phone ringing brought Stefan out of his thoughts. Damon apologized and quickly left the room, leaving all eyes on Stefan. He sat up and pretended to look deep in thought, though he had no idea what the guy had been talking about. "Uh, yeah" Stefan said. "Yeah, can you go over the numbers again?" he asked. The guy started rattling off numbers again until Damon came back.

Damon sat back down and leaned over to Stefan. "That was Lily's school. She's not feeling well" he said. "Do you think Elena can go and pick her up?" he asked.

"I'll ask" Stefan said, grateful to be getting out of that stuffy room for a minute or two. He pulled out his phone and called Elena as soon as he was out of the door. It only took a few rings before she answered. He could hear music in the background and figured she was enjoying her day off. "Hey, can you do me a really big favor?" he asked her.

Elena smiled on her end of the phone. "I already married you. What else do you want?" she asked, her voice full of teasing.

He couldn't help but smile. "Lily's school called. She's sick. Damon and I are stuck in this stupid meeting for a few more hours" he explained. "Do you think you can go pick her up?" he asked.

He heard Elena turn her music off. "Of course I can" she told him.

Stefan sighed, not realizing how tense he was. Part of it was because he was worried about Lily. The other part of it was because he was talking to Elena. "Thank you. We both really appreciate it" he said. "We'll be home as soon as we can" he said, thanking her again before hanging up. When he walked back into the room, he nodded to Damon before sitting back down.


Elena finished signing Lily out before being led to the back room of the office. There she saw Lily lying on the most uncomfortable looking bed. She was pale and looked plain miserable. "Hey Sweetie" she said, bending down to her level. "Not feeling so well?" she asked, placing her hand over her forehead. Lily was hot, but not burning up.

"Not so much" Lily said quietly. Elena gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Her temperature is 100 and it hasn't changed. I would watch it though and get her to the doctor if it does rise" the nurse said, signing off on a piece of paper and handing it to Elena. "Here is a list of recommended items for you to pick up at the store. My contact information is on the back if you need to get ahold of me."

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