Chapter 31

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This is NOT the final update. There is more to this story, so hang on tight!

He had apologized two dozen times the past week. She hadn't given any indication that she had accepted his apology until the more recent one in which he had sat on her bed and waited for her to return home from school one evening. She had been surprised to see him, but she gave him the chance to apologize and she told him that it was okay. She had just overreacted when she saw him with Katherine. He had wanted to talk with her more, but she had an exam to study for. But at least they had somewhat settled it.

He groaned as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But sleep was not coming on this early Saturday morning. So, he got up, figuring that if he couldn't sleep, he could at least get some work done. Maybe it would keep his mind off of the fact that he and Elena's marriage contract would be up the next day. Yes, they had officially been married six months and the following day, Sunday, would mark his eligibility to acquire his inheritance.

Twelve million dollars. He should have been more excited, but all he could think about was when Elena would be leaving. They hadn't discussed it. But he knew it was inevitable. She would leave and go on to start her life without him.

And he wanted that for her. Without the threat of Derrick, she could go anywhere she wanted and not be afraid. And with the one million dollars he had promised her, she could practically do anything she wanted too. He figured it was none of his business really, but he wanted to know where she was going so that he could make sure she had someplace safe to live.

Stefan got up off of his bed and went down the hall. If this was going to be his last day with her, he kind of wanted to spend it with her. When he got to her room, he found it empty, but just as it had been. Nothing was packed. There was no indication that she was leaving tomorrow. A sigh of relief escaped him. He would never force her out until she was ready to leave. He hoped she knew that.

He sat down on her bed and realized that he sat on something. Her mail. He pulled it out from under him and looked at it briefly. Junk mail mostly. He picked through it though until he came across an envelope from her university. It had been opened. He tossed the rest aside and pulled out the contents from the envelope. Four smaller pieces of paper fell out. Tickets. Graduation tickets.

Stefan picked one up and read the small writing for the details. Elena hadn't said too much about graduation. Only that her brother and Bonnie couldn't make it because of school. Stefan assumed he was getting an invite though. Which was why he was a little confused when he read the date of the ceremony on the ticket. March 24th at 10 AM. Stefan looked at his phone. Today was March 24th and it was just after 8 AM. Elena had left for graduation without him.

He jumped up from her bed so fast that he almost fell over. But he regained his balance and ran back to his room. He had less than an hour to get ready and get on the road.

Stefan had stopped by on his way out to get Lily, figuring that Elena might like to have her there too. If she even wanted him there to begin with. They had stopped along the way to get flowers for Elena. Lily had picked out a teddy bear wearing a graduation cap. She hadn't stopped holding it since Stefan bought it.

When they had arrived at the campus, Stefan cursed in his native Italian as he tried to find parking. Lily looked at him curiously. "Once I find a place to park, we have to hurry, okay?" he said, hoping to find Elena before the ceremony started.

"Okay" Lily said, hugging the teddy bear tighter. "Does Elena know we're coming?" she asked, continuing to look at him.

"Nope" Stefan said, looking at Lily and smiling.

Lily's face showed her excitement. "It's a surprise!" she shrieked. Stefan pulled into a parking spot and Lily jumped out of her seat and out of the car and Stefan had to move faster to keep up with her. They met a crowd of people moving towards the auditorium and Stefan had to pick Lily up in order for her to not get trampled. "Where is she?" Lily asked.

Until This Lie Do Us Part Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ