Chapter 33

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She didn't expect Stefan to give her a ride to the airport, but she had hoped that he would be there to say goodbye. But when she woke up, his car was gone. Every time she checked out the window, his car was still gone. But she told herself that she was not going to get upset. She had too much to look forward to once she got to LA. Jeremy and Bonnie were going to get her from the airport and then help her unpack. They would probably have dinner too. Elena was looking forward to seeing them. She just wasn't looking forward to leaving Mystic Falls.

Six months ago she remembered how she used to count down the days until she would be able to divorce Stefan, collect her money, and get the hell away from him. But he truly was a really great guy who really didn't have it all like she had once thought. So now, six months later, she realized how much it was going to hurt when the reality of it sunk in. She was going to LA and leaving Stefan behind.

So she was extremely surprised to see the front door open and for Stefan to walk in just as she was about ready to head out the door. They both froze momentarily. She noticed that he looked really tired. "Hey" she said quietly. Stefan noticed the suitcase she was pulling behind her. He stared at it for a minute or two. Then he heard a car horn honk. "That's my taxi" she said.

But he didn't move, nor did he make any indication that he would. So Elena grabbed her bag and began to walk closer to him. She avoided his heartbroken eyes as she gently wrapped her arms around him to give him one last hug. At first, he didn't reciprocate. But as the seconds wore on, his hands slowly made their way to her back before his arms wrapped completely around her, forcing her closer to him. Elena felt him bury his face into the crook of her neck. It broke her heart, but it was time to go. The taxi honked again. "Stefan" she choked out, because yes, she was crying now. "I have to go" she told him, removing her arms and attempting to step back. But he wasn't letting her go. Elena pushed gently against his chest, but he refused to let go of her. "Stefan" she tried again.

She felt him shake his head against her neck. "No" he whispered. She felt his own tears trickle down her neck and get soaked up by her sweater.

"Stefan you have to let me go" she told him, pushing harder. But she felt his grip on her tighten. The taxi honked once again. She half wondered if she meant forever when she had told him to let her go.

Elena felt his lips on her neck, kissing her. She gave up and rested her head against him. "Don't leave me" he whispered, his voice full of begging. "I love you so much. Please don't leave me" he whispered again.

It was too much for Elena to handle. Him crying and begging her to stay. She grabbed his face with her hands and brought his face to hers. His tired, tear-filled eyes locked with hers as she rested her head against his. "I love you so much" she told him, pressing a firm, gentle kiss on his lips. "I'll call you when I get settled in" she told him sadly.

Stefan's eyes suddenly turned dark upon hearing her. His arms let go of her instantly and he backed away from her. Angry. Crushed. That is how he looked and Elena assumed, how he felt. He slowly walked away from her and Elena wanted so desperately to stop him. But the honking horn stopped her. It was time to leave. And so, she left.


Three days. Elena had been in LA for three days. The job was going great. She had her own office and the guy training her was fantastic. Smart, funny, and down to earth. She considered herself lucky. She absolutely loved the job and really felt successful while doing it.

Her apartment was really nice too. Bonnie and Jeremy had been over a few times to help her get things unpacked. It was only a short drive for them, depending on traffic. And while she loved having them over, a sense of loneliness consumed her when they left. She missed Lily's laughter filling the air. But most of all, she missed falling asleep with Stefan and waking up with him, only to kiss him before either one of them left for the day. She missed him.

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