Chapter 6

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Stefan spotted Zach and led the way toward him, pulling Elena along. After all, it was Zach who was in charge of dispersing the money and therefore, the one who had to be convinced of this marriage.

Elena did her best to keep up with Stefan as he hurried across the room. "So, are you going to tell me the dreaded ex story now or later?" Elena asked, clearly annoyed that he had not mentioned anything about Katherine. She had been blindsided.

Stefan smiled. "Later" he said, pulling her past one more table before stopping. A man turned around to face them. Elena drew in a small breath, ready for the next round of defending herself. The man before them smiled warmly at her, greatly confusing her. "Uncle Zach, this is Elena" Stefan introduced.

Zach held out his hand to which Elena quickly held out hers, welcoming his polite gesture. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you" he told her. "I hope this establishment is to your liking" he added, waving his hand out to show off the rather large room.

"It's perfect" Elena told him, taking her hand back. "But there really was no need to go to all of this trouble" she quickly added. "And it is very nice to meet you as well. Stefan has told me so much about you." That was a lie, but she was going with it.

Zach's eyes seemed to brighten. "Only good things I hope?" he asked with a laugh. Elena smiled and nodded. She kind of liked him already. He was different from the others. Zach turned his attention back to Stefan. "Would it be alright if I had a word with your fiancé, alone?" he asked. Stefan looked at Elena briefly before nodding. Stefan was putting all his faith in her now and he prayed that she would not screw it up. "Elena, dear, would that be all right with you?" Zach asked, looking between the couple.

Elena swallowed nervously. He knew. "Of course" she agreed. She gave Stefan one last look before following Zach across the room and out onto the terrace. Stefan let out the breath he had been holding.

It was much quieter outside and Elena was not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. "So, how long have you known Stefan?" Zach inquired, leaning against a table. "I was surprised by Stefan's news of your engagement. He's never mentioned you before" Zach said, trying to be polite, yet interrogating. It was his job to look out for his family.

"Honestly?" Elena asked, knowing this was coming. "Not long. But we've spent a lot of time together and I really care about him" she said, trying to be convincing. She hated the guy and never spent more time with him than she had to.

"I assume you are aware of Stefan's finances?" Zach continued to inquire. "And the significant amount of money Stefan stands to gain following this marriage?" he asked.

Elena looked down at her feet for a moment, preparing herself to answer. She decided she would answer his questions as if she were herself, the real Elena, and not the Elena who had stooped so low that she would marry for money. "I am aware of Stefan's money" Elena said honestly. "But I'm not Katherine. I couldn't marry for money if it meant having to be with someone I didn't love for the rest of my life" she explained. She watched Zach stare at her for a moment as if he was trying to detect if she was lying or not. So she continued. "I love Stefan. And I'm not sure what is in store for our future, but I know that I want to figure it out with him." Elena kept the serious look on her face, unsure of how he would react to that.

After a moment, Zach nodded. "You do know what a pain in the ass he is?" he asked, a quirky smile forming.

Elena cracked a smile. "I know. I have to take him as he is though" she told him.

Zach laughed at that. He walked towards her, extending his hand. "Welcome to the family, Elena" he said.

Elena smiled again. "Thank you. It is an honor to be a part of your family." With that, Zach left her to return to the party. She breathed a sigh of relief. That was easier than she thought. Unless that was not the end of the interrogation. But she brushed the thought off. Elena walked back and stood in the doorway, watching the guests. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. Maybe this family, and these friends, wouldn't be so bad after all.

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