Chapter 21

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Stefan carefully got up from the couch, trying his best not to wake a sleeping Elena. Once they had returned from their ride, Stefan had suggested they have dinner and watch a movie. Elena had fallen asleep halfway through the movie and he had been afraid to move and risk waking her.

Now that he had been able to get up off of the couch, he went around the house, locking all of the doors and windows. He never worried too much about it before until this whole thing with Derrick emerged. He would have to call a security company and have something installed around the house and property. Maybe some dogs to let roam around.

Stefan made his way back to the couch where Elena hadn't moved. He slowly slipped his arms under her and picked her up so effortlessly, he would have thought it was something he did all the time. Elena stirred awake, clearly startled. "It's okay" he told her quietly, searching her eyes for any indication that she recognized it was him. "I'm just taking you up to bed" he reassured her. Elena seemed to relax instantly, resting her head against his shoulder and closing her eyes again.

He took the stairs slowly, making sure not to trip and drop her. When He reached the bedroom, he slowly set her in bed. He went to stand back up, only to find that Elena had locked her arms around his neck, smiling as she refused to let him go. He smiled as he fell on top of her, kissing her passionately. Apparently she wasn't as tired as he had thought. Her hands slid up under his shirt, making their way over the muscles in his back. "Mmmm, we can't do this" Stefan mumbled, pulling his lips away from her.

She looked up at him with concern. "Why not?" she asked. Had she misread his interest tonight? Had she completely scared him off by telling him that she was in love with him?

Stefan simply smiled, easing her worry. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand. "Because it is way past your bedtime" he reminded her. "You've got class tomorrow and then a hot date for the Ballet" he added.

"Hot date?" she asked, raising her eyebrow. "Someone is a little sure of himself."

"Okay, first. That was a little mean" he said, causing her to roll her eyes. "And second, if you were fishing for a compliment, I would give you one" he said, smacking her with the nearby pillow before rolling over to his side of the bed.

Elena threw the pillow back at him. "First" she said, mocking him. "I have a shortened day tomorrow because it is Friday" she reminded, dismissing the need for a lot of sleep. "And second, I don't fish for compliments because I don't need them" she said, matter of factly.

Stefan pulled on the covers, taking them away from her. "Fine. I'll stop giving them then" he told her, burying himself under the blankets.

Elena pulled on the blankets, though she gave up pretty quickly. Instead, she joined him under them. "I like your compliments. I just don't need them" she explained, resting her head on his arm.

He pulled her closer and smiled. "Everyone needs a compliment once in a while" he told her, sighing as his eyes closed.

"Stefan?" she asked. He opened one eye and stared at her. "About tomorrow. I don't want to go to the Ballet anymore. I'd rather come back here after class and pick up Lily. Maybe take her out to an early dinner" Elena suggested.

Stefan thought about it for a moment before he answered. "You sure?" he asked. "You were pretty excited about the Ballet. And now you want to trade that in for babysitting an extra night?"

"I don't see it as babysitting" Elena laughed. "She's pretty awesome" she added.

"Yeah" Stefan agreed. "She gets that from me" he said, smiling proudly. Elena rolled her eyes again and moved away from him. What she didn't say was that Lily had a way of making her forget about her pain and hurt just by smiling and laughing. It was infectious. Stefan had the same effect on Elena. Stefan grabbed her, pulling her back so that they were face to face. "If you are really sure, I think that sounds like an excellent idea" he whispered in her ear before kissing just below her ear.

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