Chapter 8

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Elena stood before a church full of people, dressed in her ridiculously expensive white frilly dress, holding hands with Stefan. He had a giddy grin plastered on his face, probably because he would be able to start counting down the days until the money would come rolling into his bank. Every so often, he would run his thumb over her hand, enjoying the fact that she couldn't punch him in front of his friends and family. The preacher was still rattling off meaningless words and Elena still had her fake smile on.

Caroline was behind Elena, holding the flowers and wiping at tears. Lily was in front of Caroline, waving at anyone who looked in her direction. Alaric was behind Stefan, failing miserably at controlling his laughter whenever Stefan would speak. Damon was behind Alaric, his eyes never leaving Elena. She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze quite a few times, but looking at Stefan was no better.

Elena could see Katherine out of the corner of her eye. She was pulling small bottles of liquor out of her purse, downing them in three sips or less. Katherine was pretty much drunk by the middle of the ceremony and would begin giggling at inappropriate times. She was also dressed in all black so as to let everyone know that Stefan's marriage would not last. If only Katherine knew how right she actually was. Zach was seated next to her, paying no mind to her behavior. He was used to it by this point. He half wished that she would go find a waiter boy and take him upstairs later at the reception.

"Do you, Elena, take Stefan, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the preacher asked.

Elena was snapped back into reality when she heard her name. She looked Stefan square in the eye, letting him know that she could blow his cover right here, right now. But he didn't look worried and that bothered her. She had no other choice. "I do" she said, forcing an even bigger smile.

"And do you, Stefan, take Elena, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asked.

Stefan focused all of his attention on Elena, looking at her adoringly. It made her want to slap the smile right off of his face. "I do" he replied.

The rings were exchanged in somewhat of a blur. All Elena remembered was how he held on to her hand longer than he needed to.

"With the power vested in me by the state of Virginia, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Stefan, you may kiss your bride" the preacher finished.

Stefan looked all too happy to pull her in close and kiss her in front of everyone. After all, why shouldn't he be happy? He was that much closer to 12 million dollars. But Elena let him kiss her, let him hold her against him, practically squeezing the life out of her. She could hear the guests standing and clapping and realized that she must have put on quite the performance. When Stefan pulled away from her, they were quickly guided away from the alter and back down the aisle. Elena barely had any time to think before she was being pushed into the limo with the door shutting behind them.

"Whew" Stefan breathed out. "Talk about a lot of work" he said, leaning back in his seat. Elena sat back as well, remaining silent. "What's wrong?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I'm just tired is all" she told him. She hated to think that they still had a few more hours at a reception before they could leave. There would be no honeymoon right now since Elena still had classes. They were just going to rent a small cabin on the outskirts of town where it would be peaceful and quiet. Caroline had been in charge of arranging it. Elena just hoped that the night would pass quickly so she could resume with her real life in the morning.

Stefan shrugged off her excuse. "So, about tonight ..." he ventured.

"What about it?" she asked wearily.

"You know. You. Me..." he said. Elena raised an eyebrow. "Sex" he said, deciding to get straight to the point.

"I already told you. I'm not sleeping with you" Elena said, looking out the window.

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