Chapter 38

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Pregnant. Pregnant.

Elena let the test fall out of her fingers and faintly heard it hit the floor, bouncing twice before it became still. The entire house was silent and this allowed her to hear her terrified breaths escaping from her. Slowly, she bent down and picked up the test, placing it in the garbage can under the sink. Then, she sunk down to the floor and rested her head against the wall, closing her eyes.

It was too much, knowing this. She had spent the day convincing herself that she wasn't pregnant and now, a simple test proved that she was. Finding out wasn't the worst part either. Telling Stefan would be.

He needed to know and the sooner, the better. She hated knowing something like this when he didn't. Elena eventually pulled herself up from the floor and left the bathroom.


Elena let herself into Stefan's hospital room quietly just in case he was sleeping. But he wasn't. "Hey" he smiled, patting the spot next to him on his bed. He could definitely go for another cuddle session.

Elena walked over to him but she sat in the chair instead. She thought about grabbing his hand, but then decided against it. "I umm, I need to tell you something" she said, avoiding his eyes like a child who was about to be scolded.

"Okay, what?" he asked, not liking her withdrawing behavior one bit. It made him nervous. Maybe she had been seeing someone in LA.

Elena swallowed hard. "I ... I ..." she hesitated. Then she finally looked at him. There was no easy way to say it. "I'm pregnant."

Stefan stared at her for a moment before laughing slightly. "You're kidding, right?" he asked her. "That's a joke, you're kidding" he said. But his laughter ceased when he realized she wasn't laughing with him. "Please tell me you're not serious" he told her, his eyes turning colder by the second.

It hurt. It really did. But she knew there was a chance he wouldn't be happy about it. "No. I'm not kidding" she said quietly.

His expression turned hard as he stared at her in disbelief. "I don't understand how this happened" he told her. "I thought we were careful" he said, running a hand through his hair.

"We were" she replied. "Just not careful enough apparently" she added.

"Apparently" he said, anger building up in his voice. "You know I don't want kids" he said, almost accusing her of doing this on purpose.

Elena was a bit taken back by that. "I know you don't" she told him. "I didn't plan on having a kid right now either" she said, feeling her own emotions begin to bubble under the surface.

"Well this is perfect timing" he mumbled angrily. "I'm lying in a hospital bed about to die and my so called wife tells me she's pregnant" he bit out, letting his hands drop forcibly onto the bed beside him.

Elena held back the tears that were threatening to spill. She knew he wouldn't be thrilled, but she didn't think he would be so hurtful. "I don't know what else to say" she said, moving her eyes back down to her lap.

"There's not much else you can say" he said, still visibly angry. "But hey, when I die, maybe Damon can raise this kid too" he said harshly. After all, Elena and Damon did share a kiss.

"Don't say things like that" she warned.

"Can you just leave?" he asked, turning on his side carefully to avoid her.

Elena nodded. "Yeah, I can" she said, standing and shoving the chair back so it scraped across the floor. She was out the door before he even had a chance to say another word.

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