Chapter 4

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Elena hopped out of the moving van, having had to listen to the wannabe rock star in the driver's seat go on and on about how his band was going to be famous next year. He had popped his band's CD in and blasted it the entire drive from Elena's apartment to Stefan's place. She was going to need peace and quiet for a week straight to recover.

The rock star mover guy was still rocking out in the truck when Elena slammed the door shut. "Well well" she heard Stefan say. She turned around and saw Stefan walking her way. "My lovely fiancé finally made it" he added. "Welcome home, Baby."

"One, don't you ever call me Baby again" she warned. "Two, the mover you hired? Try sitting in a moving vehicle with him for twenty minutes while he blasts straight up screaming, to which, he screams along" Elena said through gritted teeth.

Stefan smirked. "They are a very reputable moving company in Mystic Falls" he shrugged. Stefan stepped around her and went to the back of the truck, pushing the door open. He looked at the lack of stuff piled in the back. "Where's the rest of your stuff?" he asked when she came around to join him.

Elena raised her eyebrow. "That is all of my stuff" she told him. Stefan studied her for a moment, deciding not to say anything. She looked pissed, as usual. "Are you going to help me get this stuff out or are you going to stand there and stare at me all morning?" she asked, crossing her arms, her eyes narrowing.

Stefan smiled at her as he continued to stare. He was starting to find her hate for him kind of ... sexy. A truck door shutting caught him off guard and he quickly turned to greet the guy coming to help them. "Where should I put the stuff?" he asked Stefan.

Stefan smiled at the thought of where she would be staying. The room next to his. "Well my friend, you can bring her things upstairs, third door on the right" Stefan said. Elena blew a piece of hair off of her face, tightened her grip on her purse, and stormed off toward the house. Stefan grinned as he watched her walk away. He turned back to the mover. "I hear you are a singer?" Stefan asked. The young guy nodded quicklu and smiled proudly. "I'll give you an extra hundred bucks if you sing the whole time you are moving her things up to her room. We could use a little entertainment around here today" Stefan smiled.

"Sure thing man!" the young man sang, grabbing a box out of the back and beginning his screaming singing as he followed Elena.

Stefan turned around and grabbed another box. He stopped and smiled when he heard Elena scream his name out in frustration. With that, Stefan began walking towards his house, thinking up new things he could do to annoy her the rest of the day.


Elena breathed in and out slowly as she stretched her arms up and then out. She then adjusted her ponytail and fixed the gloves on her hands. She needed to relieve some stress after the morning she had had with Stefan and unpacking. Kickboxing and boxing were her release and she always felt better after punching and kicking the crap out of an 80 pound bag. She had the mover set up the bag in her large room. Elena had placed the mats beneath, just in case she ever lost her balance and fell.

Elena walked over to the large black bag and stretched her neck before throwing her arm towards it, giving it a powerful punch. The heavy bag moved a little and Elena pulled her hand back slightly, feeling a dulling pain in her wrist. She wished that she had more strength in her arms. Taking a step back, she swung her leg out, making contact with the bag. She smiled as the bag began swinging. She kicked with the other foot, alternating back and forth. She would throw in a few punches every now and then.

After twenty minutes, she was sure she had worn herself out. She steadied the bag and grabbed for her water bottle, taking a drink. "You know" Stefan said from behind her, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin. She turned around to see Stefan leaning against her doorway, his arms crossed, and his eyes following wherever her athletic clothes clung tightly to her body. "You'd be able to throw one hell of a punch if you knew how to do it right" he said.

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