6 | You Can't Escape It

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"How do you know this way?"

Taehyung looked at her in shock as he came out of the cave, and saw the city in front of him. He never knew that something like this passage occurred in the school premises. He glanced at Joy, and wondered who she really was.

The perfect people's princess or the free bird caught in a cage?

"I'm Park Joy. I know everything," she joked, and started walking towards the random street. "Come on. We're going to stroll on the streets all night. Don't want to get caught up with senior drama," she said as he followed her like a lost puppy.

"I can't believe this," He muttered under his breath, and rubbed his hands together, but frowned when he noticed Joy's attire. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed her hand, and halted her steps. "It's cold, my lady," Taehyung shook his head dramatically, and stepped forward to stand in front of her.

She lifted her head and stared at him. He was a handsome guy, she thought as she studied his unique features. The soft skin of his manly face with his dark black eyes were somewhat attractive, and she found herself mesmerized by his gorgeousness. "You're handsome," she let out unintentionally, and he looked down at her, surprised.

"Okay. Thank you, princess," he gave her a boxy smile, and bit his lip as he held the zipper of her jacket, and pulled it up to cover her body. Brushing her hair back gently, he smiled and stepped back. "Done," he grinned.

Joy's eyes crinkled as she smiled softly. "Ah... You're making my heart beat faster," she placed her hand over his chest, and pouted. "Oppa, what should I do? I'm not supposed to feel this way."

Taehyung started laughing at her aegyo, and she pouted again. "Oh my god! Stop it," he gasped out as he laughed more. "You're cute."

She chuckled, and grabbed his shirt as she pulled him to her. "Ya Kim Taehyung!" she stared into his eyes, and his laugh died instantly as he looked at her. "You got me feeling like a psycho and I don't know what to do. This much handsomeness is illegal."

"Princess Joy," he placed his hands over hers, and cleared his throat. "I think you're forgetting that we're in a public place. Someone might recognize us, and it'll cause stir in the country," he took her hands off him.

Joy shook her head, and threw an arm around his shoulder as she ducked him down. "Cheer up! Tae-Tae. No one knows us here," she whispered as if it was a secret. "Live a little," she ruffled his hair, gestured to him to walk beside her.

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