8 | Thrive In It

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"You didn't have to come here."

Yeeun placed a plate in the top shelf, and turned around to look at her childhood friend, Chaeyoung. "Your family won't appreciate it. My dad has already given me a lecture on this. I don't wish you the same."

"Just shut up," Chaeyoung chuckled, and pinched her cheek. "How are you adjusting here? I mean with everyone. They're nice to you. Right?"

"They have to, out of respect," Yeeun shrugged. "I don't see any point in making an effort as well. I know I'm unlikely to bond with anyone."

"Don't say that," Chaeyoung scolded her, but smiled when she saw one of their classmates coming there. "Oh, hey Mina."

The girl looked up, and bowed lightly. "Princess," she greeted both of them, but froze when Chaeyoung hugged her out of nowhere. "Uh-yes?"

Yeeun looked at them weirdly. "Chaeyoung?" she pressed, and watched her friend stepping back sheepishly.

"It was a thank you gesture for being kind to my friend," Chaeyoung said. "You can go now," she gestured the baffled girl, who nodded and walked past them.

Before Yeeun could say something else, Chaeyoung also left the kitchen. "Such a weirdo," she muttered under her breath and turned around, only to collide with a hard chest. Looking up, she chuckled when she saw Vernon in front of her.

"I apologise," Vernon at once stepped back, and her smile fell.

"No worries," she turned away, but stopped when he held her hand. "Yes?" she glanced at him, and he smiled.

"Try to smile more. It looks good on you."


"Taehyung! Over here."

The younger prince lifted his head and looked at Lisa, who was smiling widely. She gestured to him to come and sit beside her. His eyes moved to the girl next to her, and he gulped when he saw Joy staring at him. He clenched his jaw, and looked away. The scene from yesterday flashed in front of his eyes, and it felt like someone squeezed his heart in his chest.

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