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"Can't believe you got caught last night," Beomgyu teased her. "I mean, come on! You're a royal family member, and you're working in the canteen. Does it make sense?"

"Yes," Yeeun rolled her eyes. "I'll help these guys out for one month, and honestly I'll enjoy it more than I can enjoy fake people company."

"Sometimes I really feel like you're cool," Beomgyu chuckled. "See you later then. I've assignment to do."

Yeeun nodded, and started cleaning the slab. Workers in the canteen seemed unsure of her doing this job, but they shouldn't be. It was just a work. Doing some chorus wasn't going to taint her royal image. That dark spot was going to stay in her life forever. Whether she would want or not.

"Careful," A hand interrupted her work as she felt someone standing beside her. "Broken glass," the boy pointed out, and smiled at her, but his smile vanished when he saw her. "Princess Yeeun. I'm so sorry."

Yeeun noticed how fast he dropped her hand. "Don't be like that," she sighed. "I don't mind. Thank you for telling me though," she glanced towards the broken glass pieces and smiled at him. "You are?"

"Vernon," the boy smiled. "We're in the same grade, but you must've not noticed me before. It's okay though. I'm a scholarship student, so I don't really run in your circle."

He looked nervous while talking to her, and the thought made her sad. Smiling to ease his tension, she stretched out her hand for a handshake, and watched his eyes widening in surprise.

"Nice to meet you, Vernon."


"Hey, you stop!"

Hera, Irene and Namjoon halted their steps, and turned to look at Soojin standing there with Jimin. The duo walked towards them, and dare they say their head lowered with every step the two took in their direction. Soojin and Jimin were the most intimidating students of The Royals High.

More than Prince Baekhyun and Princess Joy. That said something.

"That girl is gorgeous," Namjoon sighed dreamily as he peeked.

"Shut up, Joon," Irene muttered, but snapped her head down the moment Soojin reached them.


"Look up at us. We won't bite," Jimin's honey voice greeted them, and the three students looked up at the duo. Jimin smiled, but his expressions changed when his eyes moved to Hera. "Hi. We've met before?" he stared at her up and down.

Hera blinked. "I don't think so."

"I'm Jimin," The blonde boy stretched out his hand, and she took it in a firm handshake. "You're Hera. Soojin told me about you."

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