Part Two

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Chapter 21

"You are such a mommy bear"
Yanga always says that
Me" I don't want Hlalumi to think I never loved her"
Yanga" She knows, but you can't smother her"
Me" I'm pregnant, she didn't get the chance to be the only child for too long"
Yanga" Yazini"
Me" Just let me do this"
Yanga" You are an amazing mother"
Me" Yea, but I'm not your mother, so I don't think your opinion matters"
Yanga" Rude"
Me" You called me a Mama Bear"
He giggled as I pushed my bum to his manhood
Yanga" The only time you are humble"
Me" Please"
Yanga" Nope, I have to get up. Thabang and Viwe will be here today"
I got on top off him, then slowly dried humped him.
Me" Here?"
Yanga" Legal advice"
Me" Kanti Cape town ayina lawyers?"
Yanga" They trust me"
"I am good at what I do"
Me" So I've heard"
Yanga" You are being mean because you are not getting any sex?"
Me" Yea"
Yanga" Your daughter will be awake soon and come in here"
Me" Should I lock the door?"
Yanga" Lock the door"
Me" I want real sex babe, not the tired one"
Yanga" I'm offended"
Me" Hahaha then do what you do best and prove me wrong"
I went to look the door, as I turned around walking to the bed I heard her call out
" Mommy!"
Yanga" see? I told you"
I unlocked and opened the door, she had a huge smile on her face.
Hlalumi" Mommy"
Me" Come in Nugget"
She ran to the bed, and I stood there watching her play with Yanga.
Yanga" Mommy wants to take you shopping today"
Hlalumi" Will you be there?"
Yanga" No, I have to work"
"She is taking you to the spa too"
Hlalumi" Funa uhlala nawe mna"
Me" Nugget, I wanted to spend time with you"
"It will be fine, I promise you"
I always feel like an intruder in their relationship and Yanga even has Qhama wrapped around his finger.
Me" Hlalumi! You we are spending time together today"
"You don't have a choice"
Yanga stared at me
Me" Oh! Shut up"
Yanga" Nice job"

Hlalumi and I started our mother daughter date at the spa. She seemed to be having fun, I don't know her that well. I suck at reading her face, Yanga and her get along so well while I work extra hard. God! That's how I was with my mother. I guess now I know she felt.
Me" Hlahla"
Hlalumi" Mommy?"
Me" Are you bored?"
She smiled
Hlalumi" Nope, I like this"
"Are you okay?"
I nodded, we got pampered then we went to eat. Which I now realize we should have started with the food.
Hlalumi" Is your baby also eating?"
Me" Nugget hahaha! Yes he is "
Hlalumi" Mama"
Me" Yes"
Hlalumi" He is yours, and mna I'll take Dad"
I laughed
Me" You're also mine"
Hlalumi" Why?"
Me" Because I gave birth to you"
She stared at me
"I bought you at the store, and then I shared you with Daddy but you were also in my tummy before I went to fetch you at the hospital"
She giggled
Hlalumi" Is he in my place?"
I laughed
Me" Yep, you are his big sister"
"You want to touch my stomach?"
Hlalumi" Nooooope"
I laughed
Me" Fine, eat your food then"
"I love you Nugget, never forget that"
She smiled
Hlalumi" I know Mommy"
After eating we went shopping, I realize I do everything backwards. We could have shopped, ate and then went to get pampered.


The following day Yanga woke me up for sex. I always laugh at him for doing that, I just find it silly that he can never wait.
Me" Don't you dare fall asleep"
Yanga" Hahaha I'm sleepy"
Me" I was sleeping and you woke me up"
Yanga" Why are you acting like you didn't enjoy that?"
Me" I did, but now I can't sleep. So you have to stay up too"
Yanga" Fine Mrs Baliso"
Me" The only and only"
Yanga" Hahaha noba uBuhle isn't yena"
Me" Hahaha you know what I mean"
Yanga" I really don't"
Me" see why I don't like you?"
Yanga" So much that you married just to torture me forever"
Me" I am that evil"
Yanga" I can't tell you Yaz"
Me" Should I be worried?"
"They came all the way from Cape Town for a criminal law"
Yanga" I'm also their friend"
Me" If it was a social visit, their wives would be here too"
"Should I be worried Yanga?"
He kissed my forehead
Yanga" I'm good at my job"
Me" I don't doubt that but you are hiding something"
Yanga" Yes, because I can't discuss my work"
"Imagine I ask you about Sange and Andrew's finances, that's unethical right? Same here, there are things I can discuss"
Me" You are not organizing killers for them!"
"We have children Yanga and that shit is not happening kakhona"
Yanga" I know"
"I took care of it"
Me" In this house that means you got rid of the problem"
Yanga" Do you trust me?"
Me" Yes"
Yanga" Then trust me when I tell you that I am done with anything that could jeopardize our family's safety"
Me" I hope so, my children deserve to have a father!. And you promised me that, so don't back away from your promise"
Yanga" I don't make promises, but I don't lie"
I smiled because he once said that to ms when he was still pursuing me"
Me" I love you"
Yanga" I love you too, we will be fine"
Me" I hope so too"
He yawned
He kissed my cheek
Yanga" I wanna cuddle"
Me" I need to pee, when I come back we can cuddle before we get interrupted"
I went to the bathroom and locked the door.
"Yesterday I went to was Saturday, today is Sunday. I live in Kragga Kamma, my daughter is Hlalumi, my little brother is Qhama. We have two dogs, Giant and Hulk. I am pregnant"
I closed my eyes then opened them again. Then went out of the bathroom.
Yanga" Forgot anything?"
I smiled
Me" Just how annoying you are"
I got in bed and he pulled me close to him.
Yanga" You are fine, you'll probably start forgetting at fifty. It hasn't kicked it, let's stop stressing"
Me" You are right"
Yanga" As always babe"

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