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Chapter 23

Me" Can I use your car?"
Yanga" Nope, I'm dropping you off, did you really think I'd let you drive around alone while you are 8 months pregnant"
Me" You act like I'm incapable of doing anything for myself"
Yanga" My son needs you to slow down"
Me" Your son needs to chill"
Yanga" Yaz let me do this"
Me" As if I have a choice"
Yanga" You always have a choice but I am hoping you'd make the right choice"
Me" Fine, you are driving"
I quickly blue mommy jeans and a black blouse, and nude heels. I tied my braids then put on some lipstick.
Yanga" Hahaha you don't have to wear heels"
"Babe, why are you over dressed?"
Me" Ungenaphi wena? Hahaha I am not even trying hard to loom hot"
Yanga" I'll reserve my comment, I have your flat shoes in my car"
Me" I won't need them, you'll rub me feel later wena"
Yanga" Sundifaka"
Me" Hey, I have this big tummy because ubifaka kum. This is team work baby"
"Lets go"
Yanga" Babe, don't you want to wear flat shoes?"
Me" You are ruining my outfit fam"
"Why can't you just hype me? Marriage has changed you"
He giggled
Yanga" Awubhanxeke"
"You don't know when to slow down and I need you to slow down, I always hype you, nawe uyayazi but there is no way I am just going to act like you meeting up with Lona is a good idea"
Me" She is your friend"
Yanga" And you are my wife"
"I don't get why you think that means less to me, she and I fell off because of what she did. When I wanted you, wathi she isn't allowed around us and I respected that but ngoku kwa wena you are meeting her"
Me" Yanga"
"I was wrong and angry, I am trying to fix things"
Yanga" Why can't you do yonke lonto after giving birth"
Me" Because she has never met Hlalumi, we are about to have a second child and she will still not see him because I didn't want her around our children. Your friends don't know what your daughter looks like, they've just seen her on Instagram. I own up to that being my fault and I am trying to change it"
Yanga" Why now?"
Me" Because life if is too short Yanga"
"I will be gone and they will all be here! You will need help, they will need friends. She is part of the group of people you love"
Yanga" You are not dying!"
I kissed his forehead
Me" Just let me do this for you"
I gave him a hug and he pulled away.
Yanga" You don't have to do anything for me! You are not dying, you don't get to have Alzheimer's disease"
"I don't want you to saying stupid things like that again"
Me" Okay"
Yanga" Okay"

Yanga dropped me off at The Company.
Yanga" I'll be at the office"
Me" I'll uber home"
Yanga" No, just call me xa ugqibile"
"We can go to McDonald's and get something for the kids"
Me" Okay"
He left, I decided to wait for Lona outside. After a few minutes a White BMW pulled up, I knew it was her and when she stepped out of the car, I couldn't help but admire her. She was wearing a plain white round neck t-shirt, blue cropped jeans and black old skool vans. Her hair was in a bun, and she had these retro round style glasses (like Harry Potter). I understood the fuss about her, it's how she made small talk with the car guards, how she had this genuine smile, it's the way she wanted to address everyone by their name. She gave me hug and asked me
"Are you good?"
I nodded
Me" Yea, how are you?"
Lona" Exhausted, Xavier has been coughing and he is being a baby, we had to face time until he fell asleep"
"I actually miss them but I'm also glad I got to get away from them"
Like there was nothing awkward about this encounter, it's like she never pushed me while I was pregnant and that I imagined that she slapped me. The waitress came and Lona asked her for her name, then proceeded to order
Me" I can't wait for this one to come out"
Lona" When are you due?"
Me" Two weeks from now"
"Yanga and I haven't even bought anything, I don't know why and every time I ask him he says we still have Hlalumi's old stuff. I think he doesn't believe it's a boy and wants actual proof"
She laughed
Lona" With Xavier, Nate and I were the exact opposite, we bought so much stuff that the others just received hand me downs. The first baby is always the luckiest, if you have the means"
We ordered our food, we made more small talk about everything except for addressing the elephant in the room. I guess she wanted us to eat kuqala because she asked our waitress if we can move outside, we ordered water and went to sit outside.

"You once said I was rejected by Yanga and maybe that's why I felt like it was okay for me to bully you"
"That bothered me, because what happened between Yanga and I was way before you were in the picture. Yet you made it sound like I was chasing him while you were together"
Me" It's strange that all you took from the conversation was that, yet you and your friends accused us of seducing married men. Surely we deserved the benefit of the doubt, or you could have asked  them we explain but instead we were ambushed for something so stupid"
Lona" We saw a video"
Me" Lona, we were there and you guys were not, we know what went down. What I don't appreciate was you turning everyone against me"
Lona" Was it okay when you turned Yanga against me?"
"Because you did just that with Yanga, then went behind my back to meet my daughter"
Me" Okay, woah, I didn't go behind your back. Nathan approached, he said he would discuss it with you but you're both Claire's parents, I didn't ask him that was his suggestion"
"And I never said to Yanga he should cut you off, I didn't even know he did that. You were at our wedding, I invited you to his party and I still invited you to mine"
Lona" On condition that I don't look at your daughter"
Me" You almost killed my daughter Lona"
"Or are pretending that didn't happen?"
Lona" You came to my house! You knew who we were and you didn't say anything, you knew and you let us welcome you with open arms"
Me"  I didn't know! You thought I knew?"
"I didn't date Yanga because I wanted to get close to you! And you made me sound like I was some crazy stalker!"
Lona" You never said anything Yazini!"
Me" What was I suppose to say?"
" please enlighten me because I am drawing a blank"
Lona" Who you were"
Me"Yanga knew who I was, and we spoke about my mother a million times. He also didn't know that my mother was the same woman who worked for you. So if he didn't know, then how was I supposed to know?"
Lona" After you did, you still didn't say anything"
Me" I wanted to tell him, but I hated the idea of losing him. So I kept it to myself"
"It had nothing to do with you, I just wanted someone to love me and Qhama, not have my mother be the reason that it ends"
Lona" I was angry, I felt betrayed and I overreacted but you hurt me. You could have told us, and we could have made the decision for ourselves. But you didn't Yazini, you just kept quiet"
Me" You wanted me to assume responsible for something that had nothing to do with me"
" I am sorry for what happened to your family but Lona you had no right to do what you did to me"
Lona" I know"
"I guess you and I will never be civil"
Me" We don't have to be best friends"
"You mean the world to Yanga, and I want our children to get to know each other"
Lona" I am really sorry"
Me" I am also sorry"
"I am sorry for what my mother did to you, I would give you every cent they ever took from you but I didn't even know about the money until Yanga told me"
She smiled
Lona" Yaz your mother used to brag about you, about how smart you are and that you had a good heart. She spoke about you and Qhama so much, she did love you, I don't know why she did what she did and I guess I will never know but she was a mother to me and a confidant. That's why her betrayal still hurts, because I let her in and she hurt me just like everyone else"
"I don't know how to move on from that"
Me" Well, she was my actual mother and she left me with so much pain. I don't even know anymore but I know she was genuine until she wasn't. She did love you, she spoke about how much of a good person you were. I was young then, I remember the clothes you used to buy for us and her"
"I don't know if I will ever forget what happened between us, but I am tired of fighting you. I don't have it in me to hate you anymore"
She reached for my hand
Lona" I know Zukile was 34 when it happened to him"
I cried, Zukile is my father.
"That was her biggest worry"
I wiped my tears and nodded
Me" Yep, Yanga is not ready to accept it and I am okay with that, his love is what keeps me sane when I am scared"
"I just need my children to have people who love them, I didn't have that. I was alone and I don't want that for them. You have 3 children, Sange and Andrew have 2, Solly and Viwe have 1, Thabang and Bahle have 2, Ongama has, Sive has 2 and Kanya and Jabu have 1. That's way more people than what Qhama and I had.  I just want to break the cycle"
Lona" I am sorry"
"You are so you, I hate that this is your story and you don't get to enjoy it because at any moment it can all go dark. I am sorry"
We both didn't say anything fora while then she smiled.
Me" Are you okay?"
She laughed
Lona" Yes, I just played this whole thing differently in my mind and not once did I imagine us being civil to one another"
I laughed too
Me" Same here, I even practiced my responses"
Lona" Same here"
Me" Hahaha glad I'm not the only crazy person"
Lona" Hahaha I feel stupid"
Me" Same here"

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