Chapter 6- Bethanys POV

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Oh my gosh! Derek told me he liked me tonight! I said goodnight to Derek and hoped in my car. Right when I got in the car Witney called me.
W- "Hey B!"
B- "Hey Wit what's up?"
W- "I was wondering if you wanted have a girls day tomorrow? You probably wanna ask Derek to leave rehearsal early."
B- "Sounds great! I'll text Derek and ask. By the way, can Sadie come too?"
W- "Sure! I'll meet you in your studio tomorrow at 7:00. Sound good?"
B- "Yeah! I'll text Sadie to let her know."
W- "K, bye B!"
B- "Bye Wit!"
-end of convo-
I decided I should text Mark, Sadie, and Derek. Just to ask Mark is Sadie can leave early.
-text with Derek-
B- Hey Derek. Can we end rehearsal at 7:00? Witney, Sadie, and I are having a girls night.
-text with Mark-
B- Hey Mark. Can Sadie leave rehersal early? Witney, her, and I are having a girls night.
A little while later I heard my phone beep.
-text with Derek-
D- Sure. Where are you guys gonna meet?
B- Witney and Sadie are coming to our room at 7:00.
D- Sounds good. BTW, we really need to talk about what happened tonight. ❤️
B- I know, night D.
D- Night B
-end of convo-
I started to drive home when I got stuck in massive traffic. I sighed and turned on the radio. It was 10:00PM.
-an hour later-
I was STILL stuck in traffic. I switched lanes and pulled into a random parking lot to call my mom.

"Hello?" I heard my mom say.
"Hey mom, it's Beth. I'm stuck in massive traffic and will never get home at this rate. Can someone come pick me up?"
"Honey, Brittany's about to have her baby, we can't."
"Fine, I'll call a friend."
I hung up the phone. I couldn't call Sadie, her parents would never let her. Witney was out with other pros. Derek! I thought.
I called Derek.
"Hello?" He said his raspy.
"Hey Derek, it's Bethany."
"B! What are you doing up so late! You need rest for rehearsal tomorrow!" He said kinda angry.
"I'm stuck in massive traffic." I said.
"I'm coming." He sighed into the phone.
"Okay, I'm on Route 100."
"Got it bye."
I hung up the phone and waited I decided to turn on TMZ on my phone. I was obsessed with that show.
"Derek Hough and Nina Dobrev together? Nina officially announced the two were a couple on her twitter this morning. Witnesses also saw the two on a date yesterday at the Mann Cafe. What do you guys think of this new Hollywood couple? Tweet us using the hashtag- #dereksgirl. I'm Casey Lowland and thanks for watching TMZ."
I burst out into tears. How could he do this to me? Just as I finished this thought Derek arrived. I quickly took a video of the TMZ report to show Derek. I got out of my car and got in Derek's. The only way we could get home is because Derek's house is in the other direction than mine. Derek saw the tears in my eyes-
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked sympathetically.
"This!" I showed him the video.
"Beth, I swear I broke up with her tonight."
"How am I supposed to believe that?" I said.
"Because, I like you not her. You have to believe me!" Derek said frustrated.
"Then why would she confirm that your dating when you broke up with her?" I questioned.
"She confirmed it this morning because we were hiding it. She didn't even tell me she was going to confirm if. I broke up with her tonight." He said.
"Whatever, just drive." I snapped at him.
He started driving. The whole ride was silent. We reached his house.
"Derek I don't have any pajamas." I said assuming I was sleeping at his place.
"You can borrow mine." He said.
We walked inside and Mark saw me.
"Beth, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"I got stuck in traffic, Derek picked me up, and I'm staying here tonight." I explained to him.
"Ohh" he said.
Derek led me up to his room and have me a flannel and some black shorts.
"Thanks." I mumbled and went into the bathroom.
I changed and Derek was lying in bed with no shirt on.
"I guess I'll sleep on the couch." I said about to walk out the door. Then Derek grabbed my hand.
"I'll take the couch." Derek said.
"Derek no, this is your house."
Derek looked down awkwardly.
"What?" I asked him.
"Why don't we just both sleep on the bed." He suggested.
"Fine," I sighed knowing this was going to be a long night. I got in the right side and Derek got the left. I fell asleep thinking about how Derek and I were going to fix this.

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